8 Pieces, 8 Outfits: Day 1

I’m a walking zombie today.

Whenever I go home nobody ever sleeps a full night.

And that goes double when there is a wedding like there was this weekend.

My first day in Omaha was quick.

I was delayed (no surprise) out of Laguardia so I was running late for my dinner date with my friend.

I’m glad I planned an outfit that could go from day to night with a switch of shoes and jewelry.

Airplane Outfit:
Added: Pashmina, Agacai Coat, Nine West Flats.
This is my comfy plane outfit.  I ALWAYS wear my coat the whole time and my pashmina is used as a blanket as soon as we are airborne.
Added: Charlotte Russe Nude Pumps,
Red Belt from my H&M dress,
Vintage Jacket aka Piece #2  and Gold jewelry
I took approx. 2.5 seconds to switch into this outfit.
I do have to confess that these shoes didn’t get on my feet until I got to the restaurant.
I haven’t driven in 5 months and I figured I shouldn’t give myself any disadvantage behind the wheel.
Since I obvs took these pics after the weekend was over, (and after I got my awesome haircut) here’s a pic of this outfit in action.
Look how awake and excited I was.
Now scroll back up.
Its amazing what 3 days and a big fat Polish wedding will do to a girl.
Rachel Golberg

About Rachel Golberg

I'm a city girl adjusting to life in a small Minnesotan town. I'm so glad you stopped by.