Art of the Family

Yes. I have jumped on the blog bandwagon. I’ve submitted to the lure of technology. I figure this will be my contribution to creativity. My mother is a wonderful writer. She can write anything: screenplays, short stories, bedtime stories. My aunt is an incredible artist and film maker. We have multiple paintings she’s done and someday, when our house is situated, they will adorn the walls.

I, however, don’t believe that I have inherited any artistic gene. I tried to take a few art classes in college. Of the 4 classes I took, I have 1 piece of work decent enough to have been kept. Its not even good, its just decent. My mother always told me I was a good writer. The problem is, I HATE writing. I only write when I have the motivation, which is very few and far between.

The one thing remotely artistic that I have some sort of talent for is decorating. I can put pieces of furniture together in a room, coordinate it with paint and put appropriate pictures/paintings on the wall. Not nearly as cool as my screen writing mother or my art directing aunt. But a talent nonetheless.

Rachel Golberg

About Rachel Golberg

I'm a city girl adjusting to life in a small Minnesotan town. I'm so glad you stopped by.


  1. dadlatka on August 24, 2008 at 2:56 pm

    You get some of your writing talent from your grandma:)She wouldn’t tell you that of course but she would expect me to:)Love your decorating. You should see what the boys did to our house. I’m just sayin, Tyler will love the “sports bar” feel to it:) Tyler,
    You look good in a kilt. don’t they play cricket in kilts? The only thing that’s a little weird (from a fathers point of view) is it looks like your wearing Raches school uniform. totaly none of my buisness. Whatever floats your boat:)
    Miss you guys
    Love dad