Awkward and Awesome

cuz this is about all I can do at the moment

Technology is slowly trying to kill me

– My house currently resembles a furniture auction house. People have been walking through and claiming what they want. And then I mark each with a post-it so I dont forget who bought it and accidentally give it to someone else.

– I have been at Starbucks everyday for the last week. The baristas are starting to recognize me. But a girl has to steal internet somewhere. How else would I get any blogging done?

– I haven’t worn make up in so long that I kind of don’t remember where I put it.

– Husband got me a tablet so I could blog. Still having trouble figuring out how to get pics off the camera and on to the tablet. details, details.

– We have located a reputable NYC broker. Now we just need someone to lease our house. Any takers??

– I’ve been surviving on wine, cheese, and chocolates and I’ve actually lost weight. Probably because its a bazillion degrees out and I’ve sweat through all the clothes I’ve worn this week.

Well nuggets, that’s all I have for you. pray that technology moves on from trying to destroy me to doing something useful. Like creating calorie free Starbucks salted caramel hot chocolate.


Rachel Golberg

About Rachel Golberg

I'm a city girl adjusting to life in a small Minnesotan town. I'm so glad you stopped by.