Better Late Than Never: 30 for 30

I will preface this post by saying this is not a style/fashion/trendy blog. 

However, with our house on the market, there really isn’t much to blog about around these parts. And since I know that you guys are just refreshing your Google Readers constantly waiting for my latest blog post, I didn’t want to leave you all hanging.

Cuz I’m thoughtful like that.

When Kendi at Kendi Everyday had a 30 for 30 link up, I thought to myself:  “Self, you have nothing to blog about.  this will give you material for a long time.”

So a 30 for 30 challenge is where you pick 30 pieces of clothing and you use those 30 pieces to put together 30 outfits for the next 30 days.  get it?!

Here is what I picked out. 

 30 pieces of clothing and shoes all laid out on my freshly vacuumed carpet.
5 Dresses, 2 Skirts, 1 Blazer

3 Pair of Shorts, 3 Pair of Jeans, 8 Tops, 2 Cardigans, 1 Romper, 5 Pair of Shoes
Now if you hop over to Kendi’s blog you can see waaaay better outfit pics and see everyone participating in the link up.  Also, if you want to, you can still link up with Kendi and the rest of us taking the Challenge here.  
You don’t even have to have a blog to participate! fun fun fun!
P.S. with regards to this title: the link up was set to begin Monday.  What can I say? I’m fashionably late.
P.P.S fashionably late…..  get it?  hardee har har.
Rachel Golberg

About Rachel Golberg

I'm a city girl adjusting to life in a small Minnesotan town. I'm so glad you stopped by.