Blame it on the Rain

Ahh Milli Vanilli.

I instantly have that song in my head the second it rains.

Which we’ve been getting a lot of lately.

Which means I get to wear my rain boots.

Which makes me happy.

But you wouldn’t know from these pics.

I look like Grupersaurus Rex over here…

The Deets:
Top: H&M, Husbands
Shorts: Hand me downs from a friend
Boots: Hunter, via Gilt
Tie Bracelet: Scout
I feel like this outfit will fit in nicely on a Minnesota lake dock.
I’ve adopted the ‘Katniss’ braid for rainy days.
What can I say, it keeps my hair from frizzing and it makes me look like a badass.
In other news, my picture from Brooklyn Flea was featured on their blog!
Go check it out.
I feel like a profesh photog right about now 🙂


Rachel Golberg

About Rachel Golberg

I'm a city girl adjusting to life in a small Minnesotan town. I'm so glad you stopped by.