Bloggers Block is a Beeyoch

The story I’m about to tell you belongs on the Maury Povich show.

Or 60 minutes where they do the “I survived” stories.

Actually, a combination of the 2 shows.

It has all the elements: knocked up mother, unknown father, desperation, near death experience, rescue, reuniting of mother and son.

This wouldn’t actually make it on one of those shows cuz its about a dog.

You know my squinch baby Sheldon?

His mamma was found on a rig site by former Roommate #1 and Bossman Nate.

She was skinny and scrawny. But she luved Roommate #1 and Bossman Nate cuz they fed her and gave her blankets to sleep on underneath their trailer.

Then one fateful day a stupid mudlogger (google it) rolled over mamma dogs leg with a F350 truck and broke it.

Roommate #1 rushed her to my house, which was about 1.5 hours from the rigsite and put her in my back yard.

**side note** This was Nov 1 2009. How do I remember the EXACT date? Cuz I was more hungover than Lindsay Lohan as the night before was Halloween.

Roommate #1 woke me up and told me “hey, I put a dog in your back yard. Seeyabi!”

So I woke up eventually and checked her out.

That dog was looking baaad. Like I was afraid she wouldn’t make it through the night bad. So I called Nurse Leslie and told her to come over because if this dog died I didn’t want to be alone. I would have died myself if I was alone. Well. Not really. I would have downed a bottle of wine and cried my eyes out. But you know, same thing.

So Nurse Leslie and I laid on the garage floor and slept with this dog until 7am when I was able to take her to the vet

Vet ran tests, xrayed, poked, prodded, etc. Finally got the call to come pick her up.

The verdict?

Leg broken in 2 places, pelvic bone broken, upper respiratory infection and preggers with 6 puppies.

Excuse me? Whaaa?? This dog is not preggers. Its not physically possible. She’s been eating rig hand leftovers and she’s been run over by a car, nay a truck. This isn’t possible.

Then I saw the x ray. 6 little skeletons.

This was not a drill.

So I took mamma dog home. Called Bossman Nate and told him the news. He was so pumped he financed this whole operation.

So fast forward a month and a half and mamma dog had her pups. All 6. All alive. All gigantic. I have no earthly idea how she did it.

Puppies got adopted (except for our little special squinch, cuz he doesn’t look like a basset like his mamma does, he looks like a special needs rottweiler with some sort of shepherd thrown in. Nobody wanted that odd looking dog. So we kept him.)

And miracle of all miracles Mamma dog was adopted by one of our good friends.

Fast forward a year (ok I promise this is almost over)

Sunday, Husband, me, Bossman Nate, Squinch baby Sheldon and Squinch baby Shiner went to the park to be reunited with mamma dog.

She looked so good. She was clean for one (we couldn’t bathe her FOREVER cuz she had a cast for like 3 months.) she was running around and flopping her ears everywhere.

So good to see that sad looking dog look soo good.

It was hilarious to see how much bigger Sheldon was. We all kept saying “how in the world did HE come out of HER!?” “he’s a giant!”

And then mamma dog saw Bossman Nate.

Zomgz that dog knew exactly who he was. Instantly.

She started whining and howling and nuzzling her nose in his face.

So. Freakin. Cute.

I felt like a dog rescuer. Like Ceasar Milan himself. We rescued a dog and gave her a home! We are the bizzle!

Anyhoo. Here are pics from the awesome reunion of mamma dog and squinch baby shelly.

Squinch Baby Sheldon sniffin Mamma Dog

Squinch Baby Shiner and Mamma Dog

Mamma and Baby (and mamma dogs mamma and Shelly’s dad)

Us and Mamma Dog (and my new sa-weet fedora)
Mamma dog and Bossman Nate. Presh.
Rachel Golberg

About Rachel Golberg

I'm a city girl adjusting to life in a small Minnesotan town. I'm so glad you stopped by.