Boots are My Best Friend

So the season premiere of Project Runway was on last night.

I watched most of it. (Jersey Shore came on at 9…)

While watching Project Runway, I was reading 2 of my favorite blogs: …Love Maegan and What I Wore.

Without these two blogs I’d have no earthly idea what to wear.  or buy.

So… Inspired by Maegan and Jessica (and a little confidence booster from Husband) I decided to post about my outfit I wore to work yesterday.

Now let me preface this by saying: I don’t think I’m all that and a bag of chips.  I really don’t.  I”m not a fashionista. This post happened purely by accident.

Stars Aligned. Honestly.

My friend/coworker, Rene, told me this week would be casual at work because we’d essentially be the only ones there.  Husband sent me a gift card to my FAVORITE store and I bought some new boots.  And I wanted to wear them immediately.

The result is as follows:

Sweater: Marshalls
Jeans: True Religion Skinnys
Necklace: Forever 21
Sunglasses: Charlotte Russe
Boots: Ross ($16! And the gift card Husband sent me paid for those AND a pair of stilettos…. yeah I’m a shoe shopping badass)

PS I usually don’t wear that gigantic tank top underneath my sweater.  I can’t find my nice fitted one.  (see yesterday’s laundry post)

 Love. This. Necklace. It has fun beads all over it and it is super duper long.  AND it was like $4 at Forever 21.  I swear I’ll shop there the rest of my life.  I don’t care if I embarrass my future children.

Lets have a close up of the boots, shall we?

How excited was I to wear these boots? well the price tag is still affixed to the bottom of my right boot.  That excited.

The humidity was redonk.  See my oil slick of a face? Also, this is when it started to rain on me.

 So there you have it.

The outfit I could not wait to wear.

PS Husband. I wore the aviators for you.  If you didn’t notice it was raining rendering sunglasses unnecessary.

Rachel Golberg

About Rachel Golberg

I'm a city girl adjusting to life in a small Minnesotan town. I'm so glad you stopped by.