Calling this 30 for 30

Its ovah. I made it half way.  And now I’m quitting.  Everyone else is done. Also, I did not pick my 30 items wisely.  6 shirts and like 4 dresses?  How dumb was that?!  I put 2 sweaters in there too.  Cuz the super sauna weather in Houston calls for a cardigan.  Idiot.  So I’m…

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Day 15 of 30: Rainy Pool Day

I’d like to point out that most everyone doing this challenge is done. Not me.  I”m a total underachiever. Half way baby.  Good enough for me. So we had a super de duper busy weekend.  One of our friends had a baby and said baby was being baptized.  Which, of course, calls for a weekend…

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Day 14 of 30: Minnesota Bound 2.0

I wore this outfit to pick Husband up from the airport. I always dress nice in hopes he’ll want to go out to eat or go see a movie.  What he usually wants to do is grab some Jimmy Johns and go home.  Lame. But I did talk him into getting pizza for dinner. Small…

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Day 13 of 30: Homecoming Eve

I wore this outfit to run some serious errands. The day before Husband comes home is always a flurry of busyness. I want to make sure the house is PERFECT, the dogs are clean and smelling their best, food and (most importantly) Husbands favorite shitty beer is stocked in the fridge. Africa is a stressful…

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Day 12 of 30: Wings and Beer

I’m back in Houston. You can tell by my hair being in a bun and wearing a hat.  Heat is annoying. I am wearing pants, however. Buffalo Wild Wings is freezing.  Like subzero.  The Deets:Top: TargetTrouser Jeans: AgacaiPurse: TargetShoes: Aeresoles from Famous FootwearHat: Forever 21Necklace: Forever 21 I have a confession. These shoes are not…

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Day 11 of 30: Theater, Lake Bathing, and Baby Toes

Husbands hometown is the most unique small town.  Lots of art lovers.  They have this amazing little community theatre that I MUST get to every time I’m there. We took these pics right as we were leaving to see a play at said theater.  This night was one of my last nights in Husbands hometown. …

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Day 10 of 30: Way, Way, Behind. Its Minnesota's Fault

I am a whopping 12 outfits behind in this challenge. I just don’t get dressed to the 9s everyday.  And in my defense I spent most of last week in a bathing suit drinking beer on a pontoon boat.  Not blog worthy and definitely not 30×30 worthy. I hope you understand. I wore this outfit…

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Day 9 of 30: Flying with Technology Problems

Sorry this is so late peeps. I flew to Husbands hometown Friday for some fourth of July fun.  My crappy point and shoot died while trying to upload these pics.  Because of that I won’t be posting tomorrow cuz I only got about 4 pics off the crappy camera before it died. Anyhoo, this is…

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Day 8 of 30: Dress Down

Stop the presses. My hair is down. Not styled or done just blow dried, but down in 100 degree weather nonetheless. This “skirt” is actually a dress.  I’ve never converted a dress into a skirt before but I needed a skirt and I traded one of my 2 skirts in this challenge for my new…

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Day 7 of 30: Drinks and Dancing

First time I wore this outfit my husband says “I like that outfit.  It looks like that girl from sex and the city” Um. ok. sorta.  I wore this out for cocktails and dancing with a girlfriend of mine. I am very happy to report that I did not spill on this skirt.  I did,…

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