Confessions of an Oilfield Wife. Volume 2.

This is going to be a random post with no pictures.
So if you are a “I don’t actually read blogs I just skim the pictures” kind of person, go ahead and click next on your google reader.

So. Its Friday.

I’m tired and lazy so I decided to give you a little top 5 and not so top 5 of my week.

Enjoy. (and I won’t feel bad if you are a blog reader and not a blog skimmer and you just read the topic of this post and you feel the need to push next on your google reader. Its ok. Really. )

Not so Top 5

5. It is hotter than balls here in Houston.

This is not fall weather. Somebody needs to tell somebody else that fall involves cool crisp weather and leaves that change color. Houston didn’t get the memo.

4. Person on craigslist didn’t email me back about the most awesome buffet for my dining room.

I keep telling myself not to get excited when I find the perfect piece for my dining room. Cuz the second I do it either sells or the craigslist person put it up on craislist for funzies. Either way its uncool.

3. Roommate #2 bought a house.

And he’s moving away. (down the street about a mile) but still. Hes moving away! Who will I tease endlessly? Who will feed me mechanical phrases that I use in everyday conversation to rock the socks of Husband? Most importantly, WHO WILL MAKE THE COFFEE IN THE MORNING?!?

2. The French

The French suck. Air France is “threatening” to strike this weekend. Well guess what… Husband is supposed to fly home this weekend. And if one of those French bastards even thinks about striking I’ll give them something to strike about. So there.

1. The Huskers lost to the stupid longhorns

The only thing worse than being a Nebraskan that lives in Texas is to be a Nebraskan that lives in Texas when the Huskers haven’t beaten the longhorns in 10 years (or at least it feels that way) I’m ridiculed wherever I go. It doesn’t stop me from wearing my Husker gear or dressing up my dog in her Husker jersey. Just to piss people off.

Top 5

5. Both Roomies are home at the same time.

It’s a rarity. Somebody’s always gone on a rig somewhere in BFE Oklahoma. But today they are both here. And we had coffee this morning. (and now I’m sad again cuz Rommie #2 wont’ be having coffee with us anymore… waaaaaa)

4. I secured tickets to the Big 12 Championship game in Dallas

I don’t care if we don’t make it (we will though) I’m still gonna wear my red and scream at longhorn fans. Its what I do.

3. I got to eat Polish food for lunch on Thursday.

Nobody quite understands but I haven’t had perogi since 2006. If you’re Polish like me that’s a damned long time. So I ate my weight in Perogi, Kielbasa, and Golabaki on Thursday and Roomate #2 aka Polish Homeboy picked up the tab.

2. Halloween Decorations

Halloween is next week. Currently my house looks like Halloween had a little too much to drink and barfed all over. It’s awesome. Although my friend Nurse Leslie gets scared at Halloween decorations, scarring her for life is what makes them even more awesome.

1. Its Choppers Eve!

Oil Field lesson #329: Choppers Eve is like Christmas Eve. It’s the night before the helicopter comes to the rig and takes Husband back to land and dumps him on an Air France plane. (and that plane better take off or I’m gonna kick some Pansy French ass!) Also, Husband will be home on Sunday in just enough time to go to the pumpkin patch!

Happy Friday Looovers!

Rachel Golberg

About Rachel Golberg

I'm a city girl adjusting to life in a small Minnesotan town. I'm so glad you stopped by.