Day 10 of 30: Way, Way, Behind. Its Minnesota's Fault

I am a whopping 12 outfits behind in this challenge.

I just don’t get dressed to the 9s everyday. 

And in my defense I spent most of last week in a bathing suit drinking beer on a pontoon boat. 

Not blog worthy and definitely not 30×30 worthy.

I hope you understand.

I wore this outfit when my brother in law, sisters in law and I went out for dinner and drinks.  This particular restaurant is directly across the lake from my in laws house.  Normally we boat over and dock where I’m standing in these pics.  Since there was some major alcohol comsumption involved, we decided to drive and designate a driver.  Saftey first ya’ll!

The Deets:
Dress: Macys
Shoes: Target
Purse: Target

How cute are my Sisters in law?! My MIL is just as adorable. 

The 4th of July is kind of a big deal around these parts.  There is a whole ‘boat parade’ where everyone decorates their boats and floats around the lakes for hours on end.  Its pretty much amazing.There’s also about a million parties with food, booze, and phenomenal fireworks displays.

 Me and Husbands Aunt Julie.  Sparklers scare me to pieces.  Danger.
 Husbands Cousin Gabe aka Beiber.  We called him that all weekend.  Also, he’s about a millimeter shorter than me. He’s 12. Why am I cursed with extremely short stature?
 Me and Brother in Law Jeff aka Vanilla Bean.  We’re a family of nicknames. 
 Vanilla Bean and Beiber rocking the 4th of July gear
 So many fun boats at the parade.  Love this little hut!!

 Yep that’s a guy wearing a speed skating outfit.  It was about 90 degrees.  Bless his heart.
 There were so many boats
The judges and our scores. Please notice the little old man on the far right and his brillz sign. 
Rachel Golberg

About Rachel Golberg

I'm a city girl adjusting to life in a small Minnesotan town. I'm so glad you stopped by.


  1. golb0016 on July 11, 2011 at 2:25 pm

    The guy is the speed skating suit gets my vote for best 4th of July costume (if there is such a thing).

  2. Linden on July 12, 2011 at 1:14 am

    How did my tootsies not make your 4th of July blog?!? It was great seeing you, we can’t wait for you to come back soon! – Linden