Day 13 of 30: Homecoming Eve

I wore this outfit to run some serious errands.

The day before Husband comes home is always a flurry of busyness. I want to make sure the house is PERFECT, the dogs are clean and smelling their best, food and (most importantly) Husbands favorite shitty beer is stocked in the fridge.

Africa is a stressful place.  Husband is always a little on edge when he comes home. I like to have things around that make him relax.  Beer, red meat, and baseball.  Its cocktail that I’ve been tweaking for years.  This particular combo seems to work. 

The Deets:
White T: Agacai
Shorts: Hand me downs from a friend
Clutch: Thrifted from Scout
Shoes: Tommy Hilfiger purchased at Macys
Bracelets and Necklace: Forever 21

I almost never wear flats.  My legs are super muscular and large, which would be fine if they weren’t so short.  Years of ballet and hockey will do that to a girl.  Heels elongate my legs nicely.  However, schlepping 2 dogs and countless shopping bags around in 100 degree heat requires balance. so flats it is. 

Rachel Golberg

About Rachel Golberg

I'm a city girl adjusting to life in a small Minnesotan town. I'm so glad you stopped by.


  1. Milena on July 14, 2011 at 4:29 pm

    I kill for your calves!…

  2. Milena on August 24, 2011 at 1:37 am

    I kill for your calves!…