Day 15 of 30: Rainy Pool Day

I’d like to point out that most everyone doing this challenge is done.

Not me.  I”m a total underachiever.

Half way baby.  Good enough for me.

So we had a super de duper busy weekend.  One of our friends had a baby and said baby was being baptized.  Which, of course, calls for a weekend long party with a pool and copious amounts of booze.

That’s just how we roll.

The only problem is the pool party day was kinda rainy.  Here’s what I wore to the pool.

 I swear I’m not frowning.  It looks like I just smelled something nasty.  Which is entirely possible with that lil pup sitting right there.

The Deets:
Dress: H&M (the straps are my bathing suit that happens to be the same exact color as the dress)
Sandals: Ross
Bag: Fossil (aka my new favorite thing)
Hat: Forever 21
Dog: Squinch baby Shiner aka the most attention seeking animal on the planet.

The sun did end up coming out eventually.  And we swam and drank and the next day we watched the cutest baby ever get baptized.  And then we ate BBQ.

This is Texas.  duh.   

Rachel Golberg

About Rachel Golberg

I'm a city girl adjusting to life in a small Minnesotan town. I'm so glad you stopped by.


  1. From Suns To Moons on July 31, 2011 at 6:01 am

    Who cares about the pool when you’re wearing a fabulous frock in a pool(ish) hue!