Day 3 of 30: Nothing of Note

I did absoluely nothing in this outfit.

Well, thats not true, I went to Lowes and stopped by my friends apartment. 

Thats it.  Nothing exciting. 

At least I got out of my jammies.  

The Deets:
Top: The Gap
Shorts: Marshalls
Shoes: Target
Bag: Target
Sunglasses: Charlotte Russe
I love this top.  It has sparkly trim.  Also I love these shoes.  They are like my flip flops.  Super comfy.  I walked my lil buns all over NYC in these babies and in my book that’s the ultimate test.  
Rachel Golberg

About Rachel Golberg

I'm a city girl adjusting to life in a small Minnesotan town. I'm so glad you stopped by.


  1. Hilary Mae on June 19, 2011 at 5:57 pm

    I love this outfit!!! Those shoes are fantastic! I’m doing the 30 for 30 remix too and I’m doing the same thing, I do nothing in them but I love wearing them. Happy remixing!


  2. Raych on June 20, 2011 at 8:45 pm

    Thanks friend! I’m so glad I’m not the only one getting dressed for the sole purpose of taking 30 for 30 pics!!