Day 4 of 30: Nautical Plaid

Another day of shopping for me!


I had to find a very special pair of shoes for a very special dress (that I will explain at a later date and time)

You may have noticed that I wear my hair up 99.99% of the time.  Its because Houston has no mercy when it comes to the heat. 

If my hair touches my neck I spontaneously combust.

Its a proven fact.

My engineer Husband can vouch. 

It was so hot outside today I literally could not take pictures outside without producing pit stains.

You’re welcome for the visual.

The Deets:
Top: Agacai
Shorts: Hand-me Down from my friend
Shoes: Charlotte Russe
Purse: Vintage, Scout Dry Goods
Necklace: Thrifted, Flying Worm
Earrings: Vintage, My Grandmothers

Sorry for the upclose and personal pic of my unpedicured toes.  The shoes needed to be front and center.  I think its worth it. 

Also, I feel like this title should be the name of an obscure 80s band. 

Rachel Golberg

About Rachel Golberg

I'm a city girl adjusting to life in a small Minnesotan town. I'm so glad you stopped by.