Frank Sinatra and Jay-Z were totally right….

New York is amazeballs.

Remember when I was totally smitten with Cali?

So over.

New York is like the Clueless movie.  You know, the one with Alicia Silverstone?  And Cali is the sad, ABC family Clueless spin off sitcom that followed.

No. Comparison. 

Eventhough NYC (yeah, we’re on a nickname basis) is awesome, its not Sex and the City.

or Friends.

or Will and Grace

or How I Met Your Mother.

No. NYC was not what I expected.

It was dirty and loud. People are EVERYWHERE. its loud. (yeah. i said it twice)

But believe it or not, my expectations were exceeded.

Because, yeah, its noisy and bums pee on the street but there is nothing on this planet like this city.  Everyone lives on top of eachother and pays redonk rent but there is a reason.

History, art, culture.  zomg the culture.  just…

I don’t know how to describe this but Houston’s history is so compartmentalized.  NYC. Everyone has a connection to NYC.  no matter what your bag.

Art?  Guggenheim. The Met.

Sports? The Yankees (only if your insane), The Mets, The Rangers, The Knicks etc.

History? The Natural History Museum, and, arguably, every other building on the island of Manhattan.

Food?  good lord. In the 5 days we were there we ate Irish, Indian, Chinese, Italian and Bagels.  (bagels are in their own group fyi)

Point is, Manhattan rocked my socks.

For the next couple of posts, you will know why I love this place.

PS Husband is on my shit list as he has been to New York before and never had the sensibility to say “hey! you’d love this place, maybe we should go.  oh and my bff from college lives there with his fiance/Raych’s cousin (totally a long story) so we could hang with them!”  Nope. not a word until this year.

Better late than never, I spose.

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Rachel Golberg

About Rachel Golberg

I'm a city girl adjusting to life in a small Minnesotan town. I'm so glad you stopped by.