Hurricane Sandy came and went.
We are all alive and well here in our teeny apartment.
My brother and his girlfriend also got stranded here.
Poor kids.
Anyway, we didn’t lose any power/internet/cable. We hardly had any rain. All is good in the hood.
In honor of Halloween, Hubs wrote a fun post for you guys! Enjoy!
One of my favorite ways to get Halloween costume ideas is from TV shows and movies. One of my favorite TV shows for years has been HIMYM (How I Met Your Mother). However, the last couple seasons have been disappointing so I’m going all the way back to the first season.
It never hurts to go with a classic costume. Even better is if that costume comes with awesome one liners. “You’re dangerous! Your ego’s writing checks your body can’t cash.”
Political comedy that is outdated? Maybe not so much. Besides, it’s hardly a costume when you can take it off and put it back in less than 5 seconds.
Take some advice from Barney and pack a second costume. Make an ass of yourself at the party?Simply switch up costumes where you’ll be in disguise.
BTW Barney also had a penguin costume that’s not pictured.
Coordinated costumes are great. It exponentiates the awesomeness.
Rachel and I have decided to go take this route for Halloween costumes this year and do Great Gatsby. The credit for this idea goes to Rachel (ie I haven’t read the book), but going old school does seem to be popular. That 70s show set the clock back a couple decades. Mad Men took us into the 60s. Then Boardwalk empire jumped to the 20s (fitting right in with the Great Gatsby time period).
Thanks Hubs!
I can’t wait to show you guys pics of our costumes tomorrow!