Since getting an iphone my poor DSLR has been collecting dust.
Just a tip, if you have an iphone, do yourself a favor and download the camera+ app.
It costs $.99.
It will change your ever loving life.
I’ve been wanting to get Hubs a ‘gentlemans chest’. Just a place for him to store his 4209 different ties and his 329 different watches. H tends to wait until the morning to pick out his accessories. And that is generally what wakes me up. This little nugget will be stored OUTSIDE our bedroom (but still near to it) so I can sleep peacefully while he rummages through his shiz.
Oh it was also $150 marked down from $500. #winning
I tried REALLY hard to get H to agree to buy this. I dreamt of storing our quilts inside like this:
Source: via Rachel on Pinterest
But unlike the chest I bought above, this little beauty was $600. Not happening.
Also, can someone please tell me why I’ve waited so long to buy a Dyson? We used to have 3 cats along with our 2 dogs (as well as a mama basset and 6 puppies, if you recall) And I am officially an idiot.
I also got this on super duper sale $299 with free shipping and 2 extra attachements. #winningx2
Oh how I’ve missed NYC.
Like longing for subway sounds and desperate for 24 hour delivery.
I use this mug almost every day. Sad panda.
We’ve been getting some pretty amazing sunsets.
This weekend this lake will be flooded with men on buckets.
See, there is an ice fishing tournament this weekend.
No fish houses allowed.
Because people have actually snuck in fish to try and win this thing.
So the guys sit on buckets in front of their fish holes.
Crazy Minnesotans.
P.S. follow me on the Instagrams (MarriagebyDesign)
Tootles Poodles!