Its almost Halloween Eve!!!!!

I’m just now getting to posting about my Halloween decorations…..
I know I can hardly believe it myself. 
But, in my defense, Husband is home so I’ve been less that diligent with the whole blogging thing.
We’re having a small get together on Saturday and I’ll post the set up for that Monday.
But for now, here is my Halloween Mantel
Walla! My mantel. 
Spider Lights: Target ($13!)
Boo and Eek glitter signs:  Not quite sure. Probably Targets $1 section
Goblet on the right: don’t know why there isn’t a close up of this but anyhoo, I got this at Marshalls and I DIY’d the glitter skull on top. duh.
 Shall explain where the rest came from in the close ups.

Book: Goodwill (are you surprised? no. cuz I live at the goodwill)
Candle Holder: guess!  I dare you! yep. Goodwill 🙂
Orange sparkly candle: Hobby Lobby
Glitter Skull: DIY’d from a dollar store skull, elmers glue and Martha Stewart glitter
Silver Scorpion: DIY’d Spray painted a couple of days back (read about that project here)

Here’s a wider shot.

I have 3 of these lined up in the center.  Didnt want anything too tall to take away from my spider lights. Now, my mother in law will probably kill me, but these are glasses that Husband’s Grandmother gave us with our china.  I think they look Halloweeny.

Don’t tell.

Glitter Skull: DIY’d with dollar store skull, Elmers glue, and Martha Stewart glitter
Silver Spider: DIY’d earlier this week.
Vase:  came with some flowers that Husband sent me. I thought it kinda looked like a jar for preserving brains or something, which is why the skull is in there.

Here’s a sweet side view.  Its kinda dark though.

I got lazy when it came to the fireplace screen. webs+leftover silver spiders=what you see above.  I may end up putting a black light facing up between the screen and the fireplace glass for the party. But only if I can find Husband’s sweet blacklight from college.

This is exactly what you think it is. I lit the candles to take pictures and one of the candles lit the fake webs on fire.  Whatev. now it looks creepier. Husband was so proud of me.

Paper Ravens: Martha Stewart purchased at Joann Fabric


Above the TV = kinda lame.  Eh nobody looks at that anyway. Not when my matel looks so amazeballs.

I’ll update you an all the other decor on Monday.

That kinda sucks for you guys cuz then Halloween will be over. so. I guess just come back to this post next year.

Maybe I won’t be so slacker in 2011.

Rachel Golberg

About Rachel Golberg

I'm a city girl adjusting to life in a small Minnesotan town. I'm so glad you stopped by.