Keep Calm and Carry On

For the record, I hate that phrase.

But it is wildly appropriate for this post.

I’m going home to Omaha for a wedding this weekend.

My carry on bag is very important to me.  If I don’t have what I need/want in that bag I do not remain calm (seeing the very loose and contrived connection to the title now?)

I always use my big Fossil cross body bag as my ‘personal item’ when flying. It has lots of pockets and it fits nicely under the seat in front of me.

My giant Fossil bag is first obvs.

I put my DSLR in this bag for a couple of reasons.  First, if I were checking a bag, thats a sure fire way to get it stolen/broken.  Second, even when I don’t check a bag, people can not be trusted with their shit in over head bins.  I just feel safer cuz nobody can touch it but me 🙂

News flash: I’m always freezing.  I have about 9 pairs of slippers.  No joke.  Planes are freaking freezing.  So its either socks or slippers and slippers are way cuter.

I get cockamamie ideas while flying.  (Like the idea to start bringing back the word cockamamie) I like to jot stuff as it hits me, thus the notebook.

I absolutely have to have my trash mags.  Especially the really cheap trashtastic trash mags.  Like US weekly and Star.  But to balance it out, I have the all important Vouge and a book.  Just so if I start feeling super trashy I can class myself back up again.

Phone with headphones. I hate talking to people on planes.  I despise chatting with strangers.  Headphones help with this antisocial behavior I have on planes. I crank my music and I crank it loud.

AKA leave me the eff alone.

Snacks = duh

Pashmina: please see news flash above

This is how I pack it all in there: (except the pashmina which I wear as a scarf until I use it as a blanket)

Dear Camera Nazis: my lens cover broke. I’m getting on it. please don’t tell me that I don’t have a cover on my camera.  I’m aware. Kthxbi

This is my “I’m not checking a bag” carry on set up.  If I am, in fact, checking a bag I bring less magazines maybe give up the book and replace them with my computer.

Also, my baggie o’ liquids goes right on top of everything on the inside.  As soon as I’m through security it goes in my suitcase.  (except the hand sanitizer, cuz, ew)

On a totally unrelated note, can I tell you how jazzed I am for this issue of Vouge?  Have you seen the size of this thing?

Us weekly for size comparisons only.

Its a damned encyclopedia.

That’s $5 well spent right there.

I’m trying to keep busy so I don’t crack it open before my trip.

Patience is a virtue.


P.S. Go enter the giveaway for that beautiful vintage necklace HERE

Rachel Golberg

About Rachel Golberg

I'm a city girl adjusting to life in a small Minnesotan town. I'm so glad you stopped by.