
Sorry I’ve been absent. I was driving for forever and a day.
Husband and I are in Houston again. 
Cue the collective groan. 
This house, absolutely, does not feel like our house.
It smells like it did the day we moved in. I feel like we are renting it for the weekend. 
My view has changed as well.  The sky is hazy and it smells of smoke.
If you haven’t heard, nearly the entire south central area of Texas is ablaze. 
Thankfully, It isn’t us.  
Now that I’ve sufficiently depressed you, here is an outfit I wore when I was still blissfully walking around Omaha. 

The Deets:
Dress: Thrifted; Fairmont Antiques and Mercantile (this store is awesome. Its part antique shop, part candy shop and part antique theater that plays old movies everyday for FREE!)
Shoes: Charlotte Russe
Clutch: Coach
Sunglasses: Charlotte Russe
I got this dress for $24.  Also it fits me perfectly.  Best thrifting experience of my life. 
I felt like such a girl wearing this dress.  Not like I don’t feel like a girl all the time, its just that I don’t ever feel dainty or NOT like a bull in a china shop. 

Except for when I wore this dress.  

Effin ladylike.  
Rachel Golberg

About Rachel Golberg

I'm a city girl adjusting to life in a small Minnesotan town. I'm so glad you stopped by.