Lighten Up, Its Just Fashion.

Anyone out there watch Project Runway?

Remember Santino’s season? And he sang that song in the work room? 


Here’s a little refresher:

This has been in my head for days now. 

And every time I think of it I laugh to myself. 

Pretty sure most everyone is convinced I’m crazy.

I went thrifting the other day (shocker) and found this adorbs skirt. 

It was $24 which is way more than I would normally spend on a thrifted skirt, but I said to myself “lighten up, its just fashion”

And then I died laughing and bought it.

Here it is:

The Deets:
White T: Agacai
Skirt: Thrifted from The Flying Worm in Omaha
Shoes: Target
Sunglasses: Charlotte Russe
Earrings: Vintage twist posts, gift from my SIL
Bracelet: Forever 21
Clutch: Coach
1. I swear to jeebus that nail color was completely coincidental
2. I can’t wait to get back to Houston but only for one reason: I want the rest of my closet back.  I need a more interesting shirt to go with this skirt.  It deserves better.
Rachel Golberg

About Rachel Golberg

I'm a city girl adjusting to life in a small Minnesotan town. I'm so glad you stopped by.