More Fried Food Than You Can Shake a Stick At

Husband, Brother in Law and I went to the Minnesota State fair recently.

Our mission was simple: eat as much fried food as humanly possible.

Spoiler Alert.

Mission Accomplished.

 We started out nice and easy with an old favorite, mini donuts. (as Husband is so wonderfully displaying)

 Then we got serious.  Fried candy bar serious.  If you’ve never had a fried candy bar, get your hiney to a state fair immediately and try one of these suckers.  I have fried Resses in my right hand and a fried Snickers in my left. (which happens to be my favorite)

 After that display of excess, I needed a drink.  Only at the Minnesota State Fair can you get an ice cold glass of milk for only $1.  Hit. The. Spot.

 Speaking of Minnesota traditions: this would be fried walleye on a stick.  It was fantab.
 And in an act of total kid fun: Husband and Brother in Law tried their hands at go karts.  They were the oldest by 15 years, and that is a very very generous assumption.  

Brother in Law bought a bucket of cookies.  Holy awesome. There were even some leftovers for him to take home. 
And finally, the Piese de resistance, fried pickles.
Oh Mylanta. 
Rachel Golberg

About Rachel Golberg

I'm a city girl adjusting to life in a small Minnesotan town. I'm so glad you stopped by.