My Resolution for 2010 and some pics!

First and foremost: be a good blogger! I’ve been soooo bad lately! so I’m starting the new year off on the right foot (albeit 4 days late) by blogging about Christmas decorations! I tried out a couple of new things this year and I’d love to hear what you guys think!

This is the table setting for our Christmas dinner. I love putting ornaments in hurricane glasses! Its beautiful and super easy (which is nice because I’m a lazy decorator)

Here is a close up of the place setting. The china is Tyler’s grandmothers that she gave us for our wedding. I love it because it goes with EVERYTHING! The ornaments are the place cards and the napkin rings are pottery barn (monogramed with a “G”) I bought them from a girl online for like 6 bucks!! Score!

I bought some gift tags at Hobby Lobby (aka the promised land) and attached them to the ornaments. This is the Hubby’s spot at the table 🙂

This is the little tree in the office. Its where we put our “secret santa” gifts for our siblings. I scored this pre-lit tree for $5 at a garage sale. Best purchase ever.

I don’t have a daytime pic of our real tree, so a night time one will have to do! We always buy a frasier fir, they are so soft and don’t stab you when you try and decorate it. Also, they smell fantastic! Even when I was de-decorating it smelled good!

Lights on the oars!! I bought some battery powered LED lights this year just so I could decorate the oars! I put some lights in the lanterns as well, but I’m not sure if I like it or not. Also on top of the armoire: candle sticks and a creche.

This is the only picture I took of my mantle and its a bad one. FAIL. I’ll tell you about it anyway… I made a live wreath out of trimmings from the bottom of our tree and hung it on our mirror. The letters of NOEL are stocking hangers and behind those is a silver magnolia garland with mini lights behind that. It looks way cooler in person than in this terrible picture. I promise.

So that’s what our Christmas looked like! What do you guys think? (especially about the lanterns, if it looks dumb tell me. I’d hate to have dumb decor around the house!)

Rachel Golberg

About Rachel Golberg

I'm a city girl adjusting to life in a small Minnesotan town. I'm so glad you stopped by.


  1. Mitzi G.!! on January 5, 2010 at 7:02 pm

    Everything looks wonderful…..I especially love the dining room table!!