My Selfish Selfless Act
My good friend and former coworker is staying with us because her house was severely damaged in Hurricane Ike. She brings with her a 10 month old Great Dane puppy named Molly. Because I am gainfully unemployed, I offered to walk Molly the Great Dane for my friend while she is at work.
This was the excuse I was waiting for. I am a known real estate stalker. (ask my husband how many times he’s had to take the scenic route home because I NEED to see a house I’ve been stalking on the MLS)
The problem with my “condition” is that even though I like to stalk houses, it appears to outsiders that I am an actual stalker. You can’t just walk through a neighborhood that isn’t yours and stop and stare at random houses. Its rude. But strap an 85 lb cutie to your wrist and presto! Now I walk through all the wonderful gated communities without drawing any unwanted attention. People love to stop and pet Molly the Great Dane. They ooo and awww at her, and I ooo and awww at the house we are stopped at.
The greatest thing is the dog walking is a beneficial arrangement! I get to look at beautiful houses, my friend loves that I walk her dog for her, and my husband thinks I’ve found a new interest in working out…. if he only knew….
Great idea!! The extra bonus is you are getting an enjoyable workout in!!