My Super Cool Trip to Scotland
After an exhausting 16 hour trip, I arrived in Glasgow Scotland! After hugging Ty very tightly, we arrived at our hotel; a 200 year old stone building.
Once I freshened up we headed for the double decker bus tour. You’ll have to bear with my description of what we saw… I was running on no sleep 🙂 The first thing I saw was a super cool retro double decker bus! I know, not much to get excited about but I thought it was cool.
We saw tons of great architecture. There was a very interesting combination of medieval architecture and very modern architecture. Tyler kept bugging me to take pictures of stuff on our tour, but I just kept taking pics of all the other buildings. My former architecture classes were coming out…
This was an installation at the museum. Every face has a different expression. The faces looked purple because of the skylights and the periwinkle ceiling.Then we went to the Glasgow Cathedral. We couldn’t walk through the main part because there was a funeral going on but we did walk through the nave, the crypt and the chapel. Its amazing what people 700 years ago could do without modern technology. We were both in awe of the detailing and craftsmanship.

This is the magnificent stained glass window at the front of the nave. The sun was shining in just perfectly to give me a great pic.
How beautiful is this all white chapel?! It would be such a beautiful setting for a wedding, its very small but its so serene.
Beautiful shamrock carving on the pews. So beautiful.
The door handle on the door to the church.
Ok so thats my trip to Scotland! We were only there for 2 days so we didn’t leave the city center of Glasgow. Ty has been all over so if you want to see more of Scotland click here:
Tyler’s Scotland Pictures
I’ll update later with pictures from London!