NYC Day 1 & 2

We arrived in the blessed city at around 7pm on a Thursday.

We hugged our besties J and N and headed out to have a drink.

*disclaimer* first night is a total blur and I didn’t take any pics…. cuz I’m a bonehead.

First up was a Irish Pub type place (that I can’t remember the name of cuz, you know me, wine entered the picture at about this point) Food was yum-tastic.

Then on to another Pub called Ryan’s Daughter.  Husband and J played darts and had a grand ol’ time.  I drank wine with J’s fiance N aka my long lost cousin (another post for another day)

Cab ride home. then to bed.

Day 2 = Hangover central.

Pulled my hiney out of bed and got put together enough to continue on with the day. 

First stop was EJ’s Diner.  so cute!  Little old people were everywhere eating and chatting.  You could tell they’ve probably been eating there for like a bizzilion years.  

Then on to the Guggenheim.

I’ve been wanting to see this museum since I toured Frank Lloyd Wright’s homes in Oak Park, IL in like 2004.  Plus, Husband and I love going to art museums together because back in ancient times in college, we took an art history class together.  So it becomes a game of “who remembers more”

Me and Hubs in front of the Guggenheim. We got a shizz ton of pics of me and Hubs together this trip cuz our friends were so awesome about taking pics for us.  

Isn’t the ceiling in this place awesome! I wish I could have taken pics of the art on the walls.  Totally different than any other art gallery.  Super cool. 
Then we walked over to the Natural History Museum through central park. So. Cool. 
Jackie Kennedy Onasis Reservoir
Once again, picture taking F.A.I.L. 
After the museum we ate on the Upper West Side.  I was staring out the window watching the people and taxis not paying attention to anything.  
Then I recognize someone…. our friend Mr Black from college! (in Nebraska)
Walking down Amsterdam Avenue.  so random.  Husband runs outside and says hi.  He lives in Hoboken, NJ and he was heading out on a date.  
Small. World.
Later that night (read after a delicious nap) we went out for a drink.  We ended up at this little bar on 97th and Park Ave.  It looked like Minnesota exploded in there.  Also it was the size of my master bathroom.  no joke.

 Then for dinner we went to a restaurant called Fetch.  It was so adorbs.  There were pictures of puppies and dogs all over the walls.  Made me miss my lil squinch babies back home. 

PS we walked most everywhere these 2 days.  but it was so worth it to see all we did.  Stay tuned for the rest of the story (if I haven’t bored you to tears at this point with lack of pictures)


Rachel Golberg

About Rachel Golberg

I'm a city girl adjusting to life in a small Minnesotan town. I'm so glad you stopped by.