NYC Day 3

One of the best days eva!

*disclaimer* This is a picture heavy post.  your welcome.

Started out the day with brunch at Five Points

Omg. so. good.

Then we walked down Broadway towards pier 17.  We had a boat tour scheduled to see the Statue of Liberty and various bridges and views of downtown Manhattan. 

 Here they are.  The besties.  Also, they were walking so fast the whole week  that N and I straggled behind most of the time.  They were a block ahead of me and N at one point.  Then we spotted them duck into a Wells Fargo.  um. hello? If we hadn’t been paying attention we would have totes lost them.  boys.  geez. 

That’s N in the trench.  J ahead of her and Hubs in the grey.

When we got to the docks we boarded the boat and promptly got a beer.  obvs.

Once the tour began we headed up the East River as far as the Manhattan Bridge then turned around and went up the Hudson for a bit.  Pretty decent lil boat ride.  

This is as we were going under the Brooklyn Bridge.  We walked it later in the week.  
 Brooklyn Bridge again.  love this city!

View of Brooklyn from the boat.  I was so surprised that there were tall buildings in Brooklyn.  Not sure why I thought they didn’t have anything but  brownstones. I was proved wrong that day.  Thanks for educating me boat tour.

 Pier 17 down at the bottom is where we took off.
More city views.  How cool would it be to do one of these boat tours at night?!
The Empire State Building and in the back you can see the Chrysler Building.  
Once we turned around in the Hudson and started heading back we boated by Ellis Island.  N and I have big plans to someday go there together as we are 99.9% positive that we share the relative that passed through there.  Cool beans right?
Right after Ellis Island is the Statue of Liberty.  Much shorter than I anticipated but super cool nonetheless. 
Don’t you love my totally wind blown hair?  sexay. 
Lady Liberty
Gotta love the Staten Island Ferry.  We I really really wanted to go to Staten Island.  If nothing else, just to people watch.  Also, the Staten Island Ferry is free.  I didn’t get my way… this time. 
After the tour we walked through lower Manhattan and looked at all the cool buildings.  First stop was Wall Street.   
It shocked me how narrow the street was.
This is the New York Stock Exchange Building.  
Husband was super excited about this.  He really wanted to see where all our stocks get traded.  *yawn*
Church at the end of Wall street.  See that orange thing behind my logo?  That is the roots of a tree that got blown away during 9/11 cast in bronze.  
After all of this, we walked through the West Village.  Super cool part of town where all the celebs hang out.  Went a got a couple of beers and HAD to head back to the apartment by 6.  
You see, Husband and J are both Minnesota boys.  Minnesota boys that (for a short time) attended the University of Minnesota, Duluth.  UMD was playing for the NCAA Hockey Championship.  aka if we missed it they would keel over and die on the spot.  
So we ordered pizza, got a couple bottles of wine, and invited friends over (including Mr. Black who we ran into the day before).  
All and all it was a good day.  Saw a lot, did a lot, walked a ton. 
and to top off a great day, UMD won the game. 
Rachel Golberg

About Rachel Golberg

I'm a city girl adjusting to life in a small Minnesotan town. I'm so glad you stopped by.


  1. Nickey on April 19, 2011 at 11:32 pm

    So nice to see the bromance continue to grow and flourish 😉

  2. Raych on April 20, 2011 at 9:03 pm

    Just warms your heart, doesn’t it?