NYC Day 4

So Day 4 was another doozie. 

Unfortunately N had to work from home so Husband, J, and I headed out on a walking tour extravaganza. Husband and J put their heads together and came up with a plan. But first we had to eat.  So we went to a bagel place. 

I am forever changed. 

I love everything bagels but this was sooooo much better. 

life. changing. the end.

Then we hopped on the subway and rode it all the way down to the base of the Brooklyn Bridge.  Just go give you a little idea of how much we walked this day I created this little map to illustrate it for you.

We walked from the red star to the blue star.  Yeah. be impressed. If we didn’t stop along the way to eat and drink beers, I’d probably be 10 lbs lighter now.  

After we hopped off the subway, we walked across the Brooklyn bridge which was pretty cool considering we just boated under it the day before.  
Besties fo’ Life

It was much chillier this day so we were bundled up.

You walk right over the cars. Freaked me out. 
Pier 17 from the Brooklyn Bridge
View of Manhattan from the Brooklyn Bridge
On the Brooklyn side, we walked around the little parks and over into Dumbo (which, from what I understand means Directly Under the Manhattan Bridge Overpass)
 View of Manhattan from a park in Brooklyn
Manhattan Bridge
Then we walked back over to Manhattan across the Manhattan bridge which is MUCH less traveled than the Brooklyn Bridge. 
View of the Brooklyn Bridge from the Manhattan Bridge.

 The freaky thing about this bridge was not the cars.  It was the subway that ran right next to us about every 8 minutes.  Felt like the thing was gonna collapse!
 Brooklyn Bridge and Manhattan
Chinatown from the Manhattan Bridge
So then we hopped off the bridge and walked through Chinatown and found a little bitty place to eat.  Fanfreakintastic. Then we walked through Little Italy.  Then J told us about this pub that is the oldest pub in NYC called McSorley’s. 
As you can see by the date on the sign, its O.L.D.  Inside was awesome.  Sawdust was all over the floors and there was historic stuff all over the walls.  Even the bartenders looked oldtimey.  they had on white button downs with long aprons.  
 Cool shiz on the walls.
They serve beer in little glass mugs and when you order “a beer” you get two little mugs. 
After refreshing ourselves with a couple of baby mugs full of beer we headed over towards NYU. We were chillin in Washington Square Park and a small gay pride parade broke out.  
The outfits and costumes were amazing!
Us with the Washington Square Arch.  

So after the parade and picture taking we took a load off on a bench.  Husband and I were “dog watching” cuz there were tons of pups walking around.  Poor J had to sit there and listen to me and Husband debate the breeds of various dogs.  We are those people. lame.

From there we headed up towards Union Square and Broadway.

Us with the Empire State Building

Flat Iron Building

This is us with Time Square in the background.  We had every intention of walking down there but the amount of people was disgusting.  I would have had a panic attack without a doubt.  
I was nearly dead at this point and Husband wasn’t keen on carrying me so we decided to hop on the subway at Grand Central rather than walk all the way back to N and J’s apartment.   

To get to Grand Central we walked through Bryant Park.  It was much smaller than I imagined but much more beautiful.  Those little bistro chairs in the pic above are for the “reading center” where you can go and sit and read books, magazines, or newspapers provided by the park.  No cell phones, dogs. or smoking is allowed.  How cool is that!?

 New York Public Library is on the right. 

 Us infront of the lion at the New York Public Library
I was super bummed cuz the library was closed.  I really really wanted to go in because rumor has it that its just beautiful inside.  
We finally made it to Grand Central!  can’t you see the exhaustion on our faces?

And on our way into the station we saw the Chrysler Building. Super pretty building.
And, finally, the ceiling of Grand Central Station.  Beautiful no?
After a lengthy nap, we all went out to dinner at a really odd Bangladeshi/Indian Restaurant.  I am kicking myself as we speak for not taking pics of this place.  There was shit hanging from the ceiling, from the walls, every inch of this place was covered in sequins and twinkle lights.   The service was fantastic the food was fantastic and it was dirt cheap. 
Needless to say I slept like a rock.
Rachel Golberg

About Rachel Golberg

I'm a city girl adjusting to life in a small Minnesotan town. I'm so glad you stopped by.