NYC Days 5&6

Day 5 aka Monday N and J had to go back to work so Husband and I were on our own.  We realized the only part of the city we really hadn’t seen was the Upper West Side. 

So thats where we were headed.  (of course we stopped and got another life changing bagel)

We walked up Broadway and then headed towards Riverside park.  It was much quieter on this side of the city, it was a welcomed change.  I was too busy gawking at the river and all the dogs that walked by to take any pictures (fail). We walked along Riverside Dr from about 85th street to about 98th street. 

And of course I was obsessed with finding 152 Riverside Dr.  For those of you who think I’m some sort of stalker, 152 Riverside Dr is where Tom Hank’s character, Joe Fox, lives in the movie “You’ve Got Mail”. (Pretty much one of my favorite movies of all time)  I really wanted to find it but I only saw 155 Riverside Dr. and Husband wanted to keep walking.  I can at least take solace in the fact that I found the block that he lived on and that’s good enough for me. 

So for lunch we decided to head to midtown to a pub.  Not just any pub; the pub that was the inspiration for McClarens Pub on How I Met Your Mother.  I obliged because I exercised my movie obsession earlier in the day, I should at least let Husband find the bar from his all time favorite show.  (its a sickness really.  He knows all the ‘Bro Codes’ the names of all Robin Sparkles songs, and pretty much every line from every episode ever made)

This is McGees’ Pub aka McClarens from How I Met Your Mother
So we had a few beers (they have a happy hour every day and its actually pretty cheap) and ate lunch and got to talking to the bartender.  She was a super cute Irish girl who had been working there for about 10 years.  So we asked her if she knew anything about the How I Met Your Mother connection.  She told us that the main writer (whose name I can’t remember) used to come in all the time after work.  He was a writer for Letterman at the time.  He would talk about a pilot he was pitching etc.  Well one day he stopped coming in and about 8 months later he just showed up and said that he moved to LA and his pilot got picked up and that the bar would be a central meeting place in the show.  How cool is that?!?

Husband in front of his new favorite bar

From across the street 
J and N said they saw when the cast was there for some sort of premier or something right when the show came out.  They didn’t know what was going on at the time, though.  
From McGees we headed towards the park with plans to walk through back to J and N’s apartment.  By this time my feet were dying a slow painful death (please see NYC day 4) So we stopped a lot along the way (at TJ Maxx of all places) and found an ice cream stand thingy in the park.  
Central Park is beautiful. amen.
We went out to eat again with J and N for dinner.  Had a fantastic Italian dinner.  Said goodbye to J (he had to work again the next day and he leaves at the ungodly early hour of 4am)  
Day 6 aka the day we left was short and sweet.  Husband and I did a little thrifting (I struck out but Husband found lots of good stuff)  My only plea was to go to H&M because we don’t have them in Houston and they don’t sell online (which is the dumbest thing ever)  Then we went back to the apartment and had coffee with N before we caught a cab to the airport.  
Even though we did a shiz ton of stuff while in NYC I feel like we didn’t even scratch the surface.  That city has so much to do that I don’t think you could do it all if you lived there you’re whole life.  Hopefully someday we can go back cuz 6 days just wasn’t enough!
Rachel Golberg

About Rachel Golberg

I'm a city girl adjusting to life in a small Minnesotan town. I'm so glad you stopped by.