Ode to Starbucks, NYC, and Sex and the City

I am at Starbucks

I need to feel connected to the outside world.

Yes, sadly, Starbucks is my real world touchstone here in Houston

I needed to get out of my house. I’ve painted till I can’t paint no mo’ 

I watch Sex and the City every night and wonder why someone hasn’t knocked on our door and offered us an obscene amount of money for our house so we can move NOW.

I very aware that New York is not Sex and the City.

That’s not why I watch it. I watch it so when they say an intersection I can tell my dogs what part of Manhattan said intersection is located. For example: Carrie can tell the cab driver 73rd and Columbus. And Ill yell out UPPER WEST SIDE!! and my dogs jump out if their peaceful sleep to give me the stink eye.

This is my way of getting to know my new city. From a far of course.

Mostly I’m at Starbucks so I actually had to get dressed.

Well, dressed in something other than my painting pants. Which I’m sure my neighbors have deemed my official uniform.

Not only did I get dressed I got DRESSED.

I’m wearing a dress I bought in Omaha at my favorite vintage shop Scout. I love it. Especially now that I’m wearing it in public 

This could be the worst picture I’ve ever taken.  All my cameras are dead except for my phone.  I’ve been that busy painting.

Starbucks is also my connection to New York.

I trick my mind into thinking I’m already there. I pretend the noise from the nearby highway is the noise from Broadway. And I pretend the people that brought their children to this wonderful place are ill advised tourists. 

It’s getting close my friends. Only a few more projects then the house is for sale!

But if you know someone who is interested right now tell them to come knock on my door. It would make my year.

Rachel Golberg

About Rachel Golberg

I'm a city girl adjusting to life in a small Minnesotan town. I'm so glad you stopped by.


  1. Eryn on June 14, 2011 at 6:15 pm

    I love your dress! The whole outfit is super cute!