Punkin Patch

So Husband FINALLY came home yesterday.

He really wanted to go to the pumpkin patch and the only day available was the day he arrived.

So 6 of our closest peeps joined us at Dewberry Farm west of Houston.

Disclaimer: nothing will compare to Vala’s Pumpkin Patch just outside of Omaha. Nothing. So even though Dewberry Farm was pretty cool, its not Vala’s. And because its not Vala’s I can’t call it the bomb diggity. It wouldn’t be right

Disclaimer #2: These pictures are bad. My baby camera is dead and we have no charger. Super Stephanie brought 2 of her cameras. But they were both dead. Enter my blackberry. Yep. I’m about to blog blackberry pictures. The world is coming to an end.

This is Nurse Leslie, Super Steph, and Me on the hayrack ride.

These girls are pretty much my BFFs. Nurse Leslie and I have been friends for a while. Super Steph became BFF status when she bought me “It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown” on DVD. Also, this is why she is known as Super Steph. Cuz she’s super awesome.

I made a big freakin deal about riding on the ONLY wagon that actually had hay. All the other wagons just had benches. Now what kind of hayrack ride doesn’t have hay?!? Yes I made my friends stand in line 3 times longer than we had to just so I could park my bum on hay bales. What? Is there something wrong with that?

Me and my super warty wrinkly pumpkin. Isn’t he delightfully ugly? Kind of like those dogs you look at and say ZOMG that dog is so hideous and then you fall in love with their ugly face. That is like me and this pumpkin.

Hubs holding his pumpkin and a white pumpkin for me and making a squinch face because he didn’t want to get a pumpkin at all.

Why come to the pumpkin patch and not get a pumpkin?!? So I forced him to buy a pumpkin. To spite me he put down the perfectly round immaculate pumpkin and picked up a lopsided one. Revenge at its finest.

Super Steph found the absolute best pumpkin in the patch. It looks like cinderellas pumpkin. Seriously. And also, it has a slight pink tone to it. Kinda makes my ugly warty wrinkly pumpkin look even uglier.

That’s all the pics I have.


I’ll try better next time I promise.

P.S. The girls and I kept saying “punkin” all day instead of “pumpkin” so that’s why my post says “Punkin Patch” cuz punkin is so much more fun to say than pumpkin.

The End.

Rachel Golberg

About Rachel Golberg

I'm a city girl adjusting to life in a small Minnesotan town. I'm so glad you stopped by.


  1. Marti on October 25, 2010 at 5:48 pm

    Ty’s hair is reeeeaaaalllyy long.
    I figured I must say something lol.
    Ps. I won four valas punkin patch tickets on the radio.! Teehee =P
    Lovee you.!

  2. Farmer Dewberry on October 25, 2010 at 7:04 pm

    I’ve been to Vala’s and you are right, nothing compares. To start out with, that have an absolutely gorgeous setting, we have a rice field. Valas give us something to aspire to. Looks like you and your buddies had fun. Hope you come again.
    Farmer Dewberry

  3. Raych on October 25, 2010 at 7:34 pm

    @Farmer Dewberry:
    We did have a good time! Its def the best pumpkin patch I’ve been to in Houston. Its actually rather difficult to find an actual “patch” around here. A lot of places just bring all the pumpkins to the barn or something. I loved that you guys had hayrack rides! First time for that in Houston for sure! Thanks for entertaining us on Sunday. We did have a blast! I just wished we had a better camera 🙂