Rockettes and Rockin Tights

So my friend and I went to see the Radio City Rockettes Christmas Spectacular.

The theatre was amazing.  Very art deco.  Very me.

Here’s what I wore:

Don’t you love my freakin freaky tights?!  Here’s a better look.

The Deets:
Dress: H&M
Tights: Gift from my sister (Thanks Miss Marti!)
Shoes: (you guys know the drill…) Target
Sweater: Ross I think.

The bathroom at the Radio City Music Hall was super cool.  They had old timey vanities.

Of course we had to take pics putting our lipstick chapstick on.

At the moment, this dress is the only thing I can think of to wear these tights with.

I may have to comb through my closet a little bit and figure something out. (or perhaps hit up an after Christmas sale or 2)

They are just too psychedelically spectacular not to wear.

Rachel Golberg

About Rachel Golberg

I'm a city girl adjusting to life in a small Minnesotan town. I'm so glad you stopped by.