Skirts and Tunics… Don't Mind if I Do!

I went on another thrifting excursion yesterday, this time to a little town called Osakis (ohh say kiss). I love that every other town in MN needs a pronunciation key.

Here’s my haul:

 LOVE this skirt from The Limited.  It needs to be hemmed up a little bit.  Good thing I’m staying with my in-laws!  Mother in Law may be able to help in this department. 

 I have been looking for a pleated skirt FOREVA.  I finally found this one but it’s a tish bit tight and I have to wear it really high up on my waist otherwise it won’t zip.  But at $3 I couldn’t pass it up.  Its a “make it work”  skirt, or, possibly, a “practice on the sewing machine” skirt. 

This is an XL tunic from Walmart.  I have never thrifted Walmart clothes before but I loved this Ikat print.  And even though its about 7 sizes too big, it will look awesome belted with some cute leggings or skinny jeans. 
Oh, and did I mention I got all of this for a grand total of $9?  Yep.  And Minnesota doesn’t charge sales tax on clothes.  
Double Score.
Rachel Golberg

About Rachel Golberg

I'm a city girl adjusting to life in a small Minnesotan town. I'm so glad you stopped by.