This Week I Am Thankful For….

Source: Uploaded by user via Rachel on Pinterest

You guys, last week was bad.

One of the most challenging I’ve had in a long time.

Someday I’ll tell you about it.

Today I’m going to start the week out right and focus on the positive.

This week I am thankful for:

My Dogs

What is it about dogs?  They know when you’re down in the dumps and they just know to snuggle you longer or lick your face.  These guys keep me company when Husband is gone for longer than scheduled.  Its amazing when he comes home, they just relax and they sleep like rocks.  Its like they are on high alert when he’s gone and when he comes back they can finally rest.

My notebook

I have a leather bound notebook and its always with me.  I get ideas when I’m in the oddest places and if it weren’t for that notebook I’d forget them all.

My Husband being in the North Sea

Communication is much easier.  Also, he’s spent some time onshore and was able to pick up some awesome stuff for me.

Now if they could just get home on time then maybe next week won’t be so bad.



Rachel Golberg

About Rachel Golberg

I'm a city girl adjusting to life in a small Minnesotan town. I'm so glad you stopped by.