What I Learned in NYC

There are things I learned in New York that I don’t think I would have ever thought to ever think of knowing.  Here are just a few tiny examples that I plan on using when I go back someday to blend in with the ‘real’ New Yorkers.  Its all about walking the walk people. 

1. Pizza is not a ‘piece of pizza’ or a ‘slice of pizza’ its just ‘a slice’.  So for example if you say “wanna go get a slice?” people will know that you mean you want to go get some pizza or order a pizza.

2. There aren’t an abundance of public bathrooms and if you find a public bathroom its probably not worth using.  so Starbucks is your key.  There are Starbucks on every corner.  No exaggeration.  If you have to use the potty just look for a Starbucks and most likely they will have a bathroom.

3. A lot of places (restaurants mostly) don’t take charge cards.  We withdrew a ton of cash while we were there.

4. Cab drivers absolutely have to take you where you want to go.  They can’t tell you to get out.  by law.  Even if you say “take me to Connecticut” they have to take you.  And if they tell you to get out, threaten to call ‘311’ to report them. That will change their mind real quick. 

5. Carry hand sanitizer everywhere.  you will be touching a lot of nasty stuff.  Stuff that doesn’t look nasty on the outside but if you really give it some thought, you would never touch without hand sanitizer at your disposal.  For example: subway poles, subway turnstiles, metrocard refill kiosk thingys, cab doors… you get the picture.  Also, you will inevitably eat a lot of food with your hands soon after touching any or all of these things.  (bagels, slices, Mr. Softee ice cream cones).  Hand sanitizer will help you sleep at night.

6.  When walking the Brooklyn Bridge walk on the right because bikes go on the left and if you’re in the way they will run you down. 

7. Dogs are perfectly normal in NYC.  I have no idea why I thought that dogs would be a rare sight but they were everywhere.  Because they are everywhere, you must watch your step.  Husband looked up for just a moment and stepped in a pile.  right there on the sidewalk on the Upper West Side.   

8. Honking serves no purpose but it happens constantly.  While taking a cab to the airport our cab driver honked no fewer than 5 times while stopped at a red light.  don’t ask cuz I have no idea. 

9. Avenue of the Americas is only called Avenue of the Americas by tourists.  If you wanna fit in, its 6th avenue.  got it?

10. There is no way Carrie Bradshaw, Monica Geller, or any of the How I Met Your Mother cast could afford any of the apartments they live in on TV.  They’re lying to you people.  Straight up deception.

Rachel Golberg

About Rachel Golberg

I'm a city girl adjusting to life in a small Minnesotan town. I'm so glad you stopped by.