Cupid Grabs the Pistol

Valentines day is on Sunday.

Husband and I don’t usually ‘do’ Valentines day.

…. oh wait. last year we bought my Mazda. Fun times.

This year we are actually going to try to ‘do’ Valentines day. Husband and I are at a loss on how to celebrate our love.

Ok. that was cheesy. I’ll admit it.

We dont’ want to go out to eat. Cuz, lets be honest, I’ll just judge every guy in every restaurant with a generic jewelry box and a popped collar.

We can’t do a vacation. I ruined that by getting a ‘real’ job. Ugh. Stupid 9-5.

Until we figure it out I’ll be staring at the following pictures wishing I had the time/patience to pull just one of these off.

P.S. If you’re cool you know that the title of this post is from an Outkast song. Yup. I’m gangsta like that.

Rachel Golberg

About Rachel Golberg

I'm a city girl adjusting to life in a small Minnesotan town. I'm so glad you stopped by.


  1. Mitzi G.!! on February 10, 2010 at 3:28 pm

    hat beautiful table settings!!