DIY Dry Erase Board

Sorry I was MIA yesterday. We had a Super Bowl party Sunday and it got a tish bit out of hand. I’m still recovering. I did this little project this weekend.  It took 2.5 seconds. Husband has a mini office in our bedroom. He is a nutty professor and uses 23,405 post its to remember…

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Sorry I’ve been MIA lately. Blogging for 2 is hard. 2 blogs not 2 people (for all of you who are patiently waiting for me to reproduce) So in true ‘I can’t keep up with my shit’ fashion, I’m posting cell phone pics. Its ok if you click next on your google reader.  I totes…

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Late Night with David Letterman

Very early yesterday morning Husband set out for Jimmy Fallon tickets. Unfortunately, he wasn’t taping yesterday. So Hubby wandered over to the Late Night studio to see if they had any stand by tickets.  He entered the lottery and won 2 stand by tickets. For Dave’s 30th anniversary in late night no less. All before…

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Current State of Affairs

I got this idea from Rare and Beautiful Treasures. I don’t have anything to write about at the moment. So I concocted some randomness for ya. Current Guilty Pleasure: chocolate from Trader Joes and watching random HBO sports movies on Sundays Current Nail Color: none, unfortunately.  I used the rest of my January budget this…

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Housekeeping! You want me fluff your pillow?

Happy Monday peeps! You may have noticed the cute little buttons to the left of this post. My bestie and graphic artist extraordinaire, Jeannie, did those for me. She’s a peach. So, now you can follow me on facebook, twitter, bloglovin, and pinterest just by clicking on those little buttons. (this message is especially for people…

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Insert Clever Title Here

I know this week has been a little bit fashion overload. Don’t worry, I have some awesome decor stuff cooking. Because I’m sure you’re sick of seeing my face everyday, I’ve enlisted Husband for this post. Some of you who know Husband may have noticed that in the last 2 years he has gone from…

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And Then Loreal Paris Ambushed Me

So I’m walking through Bryant Park, minding my business, when a rep from Loreal Paris approached me. “Hi! Would you be willing to answer a couple of questions in exchange for a free sample?!” “umm sure” What I realized, a brief second later, that this interview would be on camera… I was assured it was…

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I actually finished a project

Please don’t act so shocked. I’m not known for my patience. I’ve been known to throw a tantrum when I get frustrated. Ask Husband. He’s pretty proud that I finished this scarf without throwing my knitting needles. The Deets: Sweatshirt: Target; I immediately purchased this sweatshirt when I saw Lilly at Lilly’s Style wear it…

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Wicked Snow

This is a random mishmash of stuff that happened this week. First, Husband got me tickets to Wicked for my birthday. This is the 2nd Broadway show I’ve seen and it was awesome.  Broadway shows amaze me.  The talent is amazing, the sets blow me away and I always wonder how these people can keep…

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Casual Friday

Today is a lazy day. And the laziness started yesterday. Now that all the hoopla from my birthday is over, lethargy has set in. The Deets: Sweater: Husbands Leggings: Target Shoes: Gypsyz Sweater Boots, Gift from MIL Necklace: Gift from Hubby, from Etsy Yesterday Husband and I needed to go to Homegoods and TJ Maxx.…

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