ahem… I have an announcement.

and its a doozie.  No I’m  not pregnant. Husband and I are (gasp) moving. …pause for dramatic effect… Yep. We are selling our house and moving to NYC. I tricked you into thinking our trip was a vacation.  It was, kind of, but mostly it was to put the final seal on our plans to…

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What I Learned in NYC

There are things I learned in New York that I don’t think I would have ever thought to ever think of knowing.  Here are just a few tiny examples that I plan on using when I go back someday to blend in with the ‘real’ New Yorkers.  Its all about walking the walk people.  1.…

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NYC Days 5&6

Day 5 aka Monday N and J had to go back to work so Husband and I were on our own.  We realized the only part of the city we really hadn’t seen was the Upper West Side.  So thats where we were headed.  (of course we stopped and got another life changing bagel) We…

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NYC Day 4

So Day 4 was another doozie.  Unfortunately N had to work from home so Husband, J, and I headed out on a walking tour extravaganza. Husband and J put their heads together and came up with a plan. But first we had to eat.  So we went to a bagel place.  I am forever changed. …

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NYC Day 3

One of the best days eva! *disclaimer* This is a picture heavy post.  your welcome. Started out the day with brunch at Five Points Omg. so. good. Then we walked down Broadway towards pier 17.  We had a boat tour scheduled to see the Statue of Liberty and various bridges and views of downtown Manhattan. …

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NYC Day 1 & 2

We arrived in the blessed city at around 7pm on a Thursday. We hugged our besties J and N and headed out to have a drink. *disclaimer* first night is a total blur and I didn’t take any pics…. cuz I’m a bonehead. First up was a Irish Pub type place (that I can’t remember…

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Frank Sinatra and Jay-Z were totally right….

New York is amazeballs. Remember when I was totally smitten with Cali? So over. New York is like the Clueless movie.  You know, the one with Alicia Silverstone?  And Cali is the sad, ABC family Clueless spin off sitcom that followed. No. Comparison.  Eventhough NYC (yeah, we’re on a nickname basis) is awesome, its not…

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Creep Around My House: The Living Room

You guys are probably pretty familiar with this room cuz of all my holiday posts. Now that the floors are done I can officially call this room done. finito. doneski. you get the idea. Many of you, however, don’t know what this room looked like when we moved in. Let me give you a clue:…

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Drinking Wine Serves a Greater (Greener) Purpose

My name is Raych and I love wine. Wine serves a purpose in my life.  relaxation. solves boredom. something to drink at dinner.  and now, thanks to Kendi at Kendi Everyday my wine serves another purpose.  A practical purpose. I’ll back it up.  So since the floors are done (including the carpet in my closet. finally) I’ve been…

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I'm Still Here. I Promise.

Sorry dudes. I’ve had visitors since Feb 25th.  Over the last 4 years my home has become the spring break destination for my siblings and various other family members. I like to think that I am so super cool that my younger siblings just can’t freakin wait to come and hang out with their totally…

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