Things I'm Loving Right Now

I’m gonna take a lil break from posting an outfit. Full Disclosure: I don’t have anything to do today so I’m staying in my jammies. Here are few things that are rocking my socks right this second. 1. Coral Nail Polish    Source  I have been wearing this nail polish on my toes for weeks. …

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Day 4 of 30: Nautical Plaid

Another day of shopping for me! Jealous? I had to find a very special pair of shoes for a very special dress (that I will explain at a later date and time) You may have noticed that I wear my hair up 99.99% of the time.  Its because Houston has no mercy when it comes…

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Day 3 of 30: Nothing of Note

I did absoluely nothing in this outfit. Well, thats not true, I went to Lowes and stopped by my friends apartment.  Thats it.  Nothing exciting.  At least I got out of my jammies.   The Deets: Top: The Gap Shorts: Marshalls Shoes: Target Bag: Target Sunglasses: Charlotte Russe I love this top.  It has sparkly trim. …

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Day 2 of 30: Shop Till You Drop

Sorry for the delay on these outfit posts.  I’ve been having camera difficulties.  If you could all bug Husband and tell him that the camera we have is a relic and the fact that I have to charge it daily is ridiculous that would be super. thx. Bestie McBesterson and I needed a girl date.…

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Day 1 of 30: Kandinsky

This first outfit was all about being causal.  I had errands to run and I needed not to be constrained. Please ignore my angry pants face.  It was hotter than Hades balls outside and I’m not a professional outfit poser/model. The Deets: Shirt: TargetShorts: MarshallsShoes: Tommy Hilfiger Boat Shoes purchased at MacysNecklace: Gift from my…

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Better Late Than Never: 30 for 30

I will preface this post by saying this is not a style/fashion/trendy blog.  However, with our house on the market, there really isn’t much to blog about around these parts. And since I know that you guys are just refreshing your Google Readers constantly waiting for my latest blog post, I didn’t want to leave…

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Creep Around My House: Our Master Suite

You guys, I’m exhausted. spent. to the max. But because I took pics for our listing (coming soon!) I thought I’d show your our master, finally. Let me preface this by saying our master has never ever looked this way. We don’t live this way.  We actually haven’t slept in our master since we got…

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Ode to Starbucks, NYC, and Sex and the City

I am at Starbucks I need to feel connected to the outside world. Yes, sadly, Starbucks is my real world touchstone here in Houston I needed to get out of my house. I’ve painted till I can’t paint no mo’  I watch Sex and the City every night and wonder why someone hasn’t knocked on…

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Why I haven't written a blog post in 10 days

1. I drove 14 hours by myself with 2 dogs, 3 cats, 1 antique bed and 4 plastic bins of garage sale items.  2. less than 24 hours after I got to Omaha my window was shot out with a bb gun.  3. I paid $500 to have said window replaced along with my windshield. …

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Creep Around My House: The Powder Room

My apologies for bailing after my earth-shattering announcement last friday. I’m sure you’ll forgive me though.  Cuz my house looks like this: Yes these are cell phone pics.  Packing is the bane of my existence. Lucky for you guys we’ve also been doing home improvements to get the house ready for sale. The day after…

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