How to Doctor Up a Veggie Burger

I am a self proclaimed meat LOVER. However, its Friday. Its Lent. I felt like a burger so sue me. I called my token vegitarian friend, Rene. She told me that Boca fire grilled ‘burgers’ were good. So hesitantly picked up the frozen box and put it in the cart. I got home and decided…

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Cupid Grabs the Pistol

Valentines day is on Sunday. Husband and I don’t usually ‘do’ Valentines day. …. oh wait. last year we bought my Mazda. Fun times. This year we are actually going to try to ‘do’ Valentines day. Husband and I are at a loss on how to celebrate our love. Ok. that was cheesy. I’ll admit…

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This Post is Long Overdue…

I completed this project weeks ago, and because I am such an important, busy person (read: lazy and tired from celebrating my birthday multiple times) I am just now getting around to posting about it. My linen closet has always annoyed me to no end. Do you see what I’m dealing with here? To get…

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California and I had a Torrid Love Affair….

…. Until California stomped on my heart with torrential rains and flight delays. It was magnificent while it lasted. I love San Clemente. I almost bought out one little antique shop. Until I called Husband and he told me my budget was $50. This is why I considered leaving Husband for California. Lack of budget…

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Starting my 2010 Christmas list….

Nesting Place is one of my favorite blogs. The Nester, as she calls herself, is doing a giveaway for a personalized sign. Husband better hope that I win because if not, this little baby will be at the top of my 2010 Christmas list. I could play around on Dayspring and Danielson all day long……

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I’m dreaming of a warm weekend… If it stays cold (which I’m sure it will because Mother Nature likes to ruin my weekends) then I’d be happy snuggling up in this bed. Yum. Happy Friday! Photo from coastal living

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I'm feeling Springy

Its a word. I’m in a Post Christmas Hangover. So I’m decorating for Spring. In January. Good News. It feels like Spring in Houston. So I can. Here is my Spring inspiration so far. I’ll post some pics when I get my spring stuff in order around the house. Enjoy! MUST HAVE THIS LIVING ROOM.…

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My Resolution for 2010 and some pics!

First and foremost: be a good blogger! I’ve been soooo bad lately! so I’m starting the new year off on the right foot (albeit 4 days late) by blogging about Christmas decorations! I tried out a couple of new things this year and I’d love to hear what you guys think! This is the table…

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Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Ok. I took some time off. Got my real estate license and fixed up the house a little bit. But I love the holidays and can’t resist holiday decor. So, to inspire you for the Thanksgiving holiday, some inspiration pics! This is what I’m doing for the centerpieces on our table. Along with this (but…

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Operation Coupon

Until recently, I didn’t believe that coupons saved you much money. I have changed my tune since seeing the coupon mom on Oprah. She showed me the beauty of combining sales with coupons. I’ve been turned on to CVS deals because of a little blog called Never Pay Retail Again Today I did some shopping…

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