Keep Calm and Carry On

For the record, I hate that phrase. But it is wildly appropriate for this post. I’m going home to Omaha for a wedding this weekend. My carry on bag is very important to me.  If I don’t have what I need/want in that bag I do not remain calm (seeing the very loose and contrived…

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More Stripes

The number of striped shirts/sweaters I own is absolutely inexcusable. I love stripes. Its the same love I have for wine: deep and unconditional. I just ordered 2 more striped shirts from Forever 21 and this is one of them. I just can’t not buy a striped shirt thats only $8.90 The Deets: Shirt: Forever 21 Jeans:…

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I’m hosting a giveaway over at Verbal Melange! YOU could be the lucky winner of this super beautiful vintage necklace from my friend Nickey’s Etsy Shop You guys, I’m going to be supremely jealous of whoever gets to take this lil beauty home.   Click HERE to enter to win!

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Cleaning Out My Closet

We have the largest closet I have ever seen in a Manhattan apartment of this size. We may have a hoarding problem. Husband has like 64 ties. (take a wild guess how often he wears them) I mean, is this really necessary? Are you ready to see evidence of Husbands our clothing hoarding problem? Not horrible.…

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Venturing Outside

Reason #56 why I love Gilt. My boots came yesterday.  I wish everybody shipped as fast as Gilt. I had to think quickly and find a place to go so I could wear these boots immediately. So I decided to go to the Container Store for my closet organizing project. (stay tuned for that later…

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It Doesn't Have to be Perfect..

I’m linking up with Nesting Place today. Her motto for the year (forever?) is “it doesn’t have to be perfect to be beautiful” Love that. I’m trying to embrace this philosophy more on my blog. There has been more than once where I get all dressed, go outside, take photos and come in and look…

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Hello, My Name is Raych

and I have an addiction to Hunter Boots. and online shopping. While sulking over the fun things I SHOULD be doing with Husband, I was perusing the interenets. and I stumbled and fell into $180 worth of purchases. oops. I got this skirt from Kohls, So I can copy Kendi and construct an outfit like…

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My Husband the Penguin

Husband is very picky about his clothes. He is also skinny with freakishly long arms. So finding a store that carries clothes he likes but also fits his dangle arms is difficult. In Houston we lived near an outlet mall and in that outlet mall was a store called Original Penguin. This store always seemed…

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Happy Valentines Day, Every Day the 14th!

In keeping with my 3 year tradition, those are Outkast lyrics in the title. I’ve never been big on Valentine’s day. I think Husband and I have only been in the same place at the same time once for this holiday. People are always feeling bad for me on Valentine’s day. Rest assured people, this…

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Last Minute Date

So some of you know that Husband was called out 10 days early. Not happy. Allegedly, he’ll get an extra week off when he gets back. I’ll believe it when I see it. When we got the news that he was leaving early, we decided to go on a nice date. This is what I…

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