New Apartment Floor Plan

Hey Kids We move in tomorrow and when we do I’ll take some good pics of this place. But until then, I’ll post the floor plan. An actual floor plan and not a crappy free hand drawing. Lets take a little tour shall we? You walk right into the kitchen through the front door.  Nothing…

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Adventures in Apartment Hunting

It’s slim pickins in the city this fall. Which people have been telling me isn’t normal. So our timing couldn’t be worse. Right now there are 2 contenders. The first one I only got terrible cell phone pics.  But I did manage to draw an awesomely bad floor plan. You’re Welcome. Please be aware that…

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When Bad Goes to Worse

I am about to board a plane for Houston. Some shit hit the fan with the sale of the truck. Something that I absolutely HAD to be there to do in person. So lame. We currently have an app on an apartment. We won’t hear until Monday. Husband will be half way to NYC with…

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Day 1 in NYC = Frustrating

I’m currently in NYC with functioning internet. Thanks to our awesomely accommodating friends J&N. I had planned to post some awesome apartment pictures from my showings today. But alas, there are none to show. Let me tell you a sad story: I boarded a 5:15 am flight and hit the ground running with the apartment…

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New York State of Mind

I’ve been MIA lately. But I have a good excuse. We got a tenant. We got exactly 10 days notice to get the hell out. Cut to me screaming with excitement and horror. We’ve been non stop packing, donating, trashing, and bubble wrapping. So much so that lil nugget shiner thinks bubble wrap is her…

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Its Finally Fall in Houston… Kinda

It finally feels like fall in Houston! Well as “fall” as it feels here.  Our leaves don’t change color and our grass always stays green. But its in the low 70s during the middle of the day and that feels more like fall than 90s.   I wore this on a totally ill fated day. …

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Apartment Therapy

So you may have noticed that I dropped off the planet for about a week. I was in a real crab ass mood.   I figured I’d spare you the overly dramatic word vomit and just complain to my dogs instead.  Allow me to sum it up:  House still on the lease market + Husband…

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I got this dress to pic Husband up from the airport. I thought he’d be here this weekend. Not gonna happen. Some sort of staffing problem… Whatev. I couldn’t wait to wear it anymore.   The Deets: Dress: TJ Maxx Shoes: Target  Bracelets: Forever 21, the long one is a necklace that I wrapped around…

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Nothing of Note

Because I don’t have a ton to say today (please keep your shock and awe to yourselves), I have posted a ton of pics.   You’re welcome.  The Deets:Shirt: Buffalo Check Button up from J Crew Its a mens small.  The women’s button ups always cause buttons to pop in a particular place.  Listen up J.…

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Guest Post: African Open Market

Husband is working in Angola at the moment.  A few days ago he went to an open air market.  Husband always comes home with interesting art and sculptures and places like this are where he buys them.  He was kind enough to take pics on his last trip.  The market places in Africa are some…

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