Canal Street and a Long Lost Cousin

My 2nd cousin, Teresa, came down from her home upstate to visit the city. We haven’t seen each other in about 15 years (or so. we aren’t actually sure).  We met at Bryant Park which has a really awesome Christmas market and an ice skating rink.  It really wasn’t that crowded either.  The shops are…

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Holiday Photo Card Event @ Etsy

Because my friend N is such a peach, she invited me to a little holiday party at Etsy. They set up 3 backdrops for funny holiday card photos. N and I had an absolute blast posing for the photo booth pics.  This was the New Years Eve photo booth.  There was a guy on the…

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Downsizing Christmas

Before we moved from Houston to Manhattan, I was forced to downsize my 6 Christmas decoration boxes down to 3. It wasn’t easy. But now that we are here I’m glad I parted with the stuff I found in the 80% off aisle at Hobby Lobby. I was only able to display 1/4 of what…

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Table for 1

The Deets:Sweater: Charlotte RusseJacket: Vintage, my momsJeans: Gap, hand me downsShoes: Charlotte RusseBracelet: Gift, from ParisEarrings: Vintage P.S anyone know how to NOT make my belt stick out and make a bump like it always does?  so annoying. I decided to take myself out for a little brunch date. Anybody remember the Sex and the…

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Knitty City

Now that Husband is back at work, I have been taking my outfit pics inside.  Haven’t quite worked up the courage to set up my tripod on the corner and pose in front of hundreds of people.   Still trying to navigate this new point and shoot.  Please excuse the lighting slash graininess.  I’ll figure…

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NYC Month in Review: November

New York is such a odd place. You see crazy shit all the time so I thought I’d tell you about some of the crazy, random people/stuff I’ve seen this month. Saw Keiko Lynn in Times Square. I was all ready to run up to her and freak out “omg I love your blog and…

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Day of Gluttony aka Thanksgiving

We’ve been going nonstop since we moved in. Thanksgiving weekend was no exception. Husband was obsessed with going to the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. I was not interested. I did, however, agree to go to see the balloons be blown up. Which solidified my decision not to attend the parade. It was bonkers.  People and…

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Tourist for 2 Days

Since our entire time in NYC has been spent unpacking and schlepping to IKEA, we haven’t been able to do much in the way of exploring. My inlaws came to visit for 2 days and we totally took advantage. The first day they were here we decided to get dinner and a show.  When they…

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The (almost) Finished Apartment on 85th

Its as done as its gonna get. My in laws are coming to visit today. So today is my deadline to just let it be. Disclaimer: it is raining outside so the place looks super dark today. Its not normally this cave like. Also, some of these are a little blurry. New camera has a…

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General Mayhem

We are almost done unpacking. It goes a lot faster in a smaller space. However, it is much more challenging. Its like playing tetris with boxes. I should have finished product pics for you by tomorrow. Especially since we have internet now. **happy dance** The day after we took possession of the apt we went…

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