Real Life Fairytale

Starting the year off right with a long over due outfit post. My friend came to visit and I conned her into taking pics for me. I wore this outfit on a warmer (mid 40s) day to Grand Central Station, The Chrysler Building and Central Park. The Deets:Cape: Gift from my MIL, AnthropologieSweater: RossJeans: Charlotte…

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Make It Work!

So I was walking down Broadway to the local Staples (I needed a mic for Skype so I could actually see my family on Christmas) and who do you think I saw? Tim freaking Gunn. I froze. Then I was like “get your phone out, fool, and take a pic” I was too slow on…

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Happy Christmas

Hope you are all have an amazing Christmas with your families! See you on the flip side. 2012 beeches! In the meantime, here is my fav Christmas song this season.  I’ve had She and Him on repeat all Dec.Its perfect ‘walking around the city’ music.  Enjoy!

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Just In Time for Christmas

The most amazing thing I’ve seen since the snuggie.Pajama Jeans for Men.Because guys jeans are normally soooo uncomfortable.  (eyeroll)Behold.   Just in case someone wants to buy these as a gag gift: From Here That room is actually pretty adorbs despite the hideous pants on that guy. Description is as follows:Dark Wash has realistic designs of…

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I Cannot Kill A Book

When I was at the Etsy event earlier this month, I fell in LOVE with all the decor made with book pages. I knew I could DIY some of the things I saw. However, I have a problem with tearing pages out of a book. But I’m totally cool with stuff made from dismembered books.…

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Exactly How Did We Fit All Our Shit In This Apt?

It wasn’t easy, let me tell you. We sold 99.9% of our stuff before we left Texas.  That was a start. I had been researching ways to appropriately downsize (read: Pinterest addiction) for months before we actually moved. This is what I learned: Hide your shit. That is exactly how we fit all our stuff…

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Central Park in the Morning

I took the pups to Central Park this morning.  We usually go to Riverside park because its closer and it has a dog run but I wanted to switch it up. Plus, in the 1.5 months I’ve been here, I have yet to venture to Central Park which I’m pretty sure is a sin in…

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The Talk

My day at CBS’s The Talk was an absolute BLAST. I can see why my cousin loves working there.  Everyone was so fun and nice. Once I got through security and signed my waiver form, they led me to my seat.  The way that the studio was set up in New York was different.  There…

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More Christmas Swag

I got my much sought after evergreen bough this weekend. It is everything I hoped it would be and more.  I clustered some of my glass ornaments together on the bough.  I have these clippy poinsetta flowers that I clipped on the edges to hide the hooks.  I hung a pincone ornament in the middle.…

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