Ash Ash baby

Its Ash Wednesday. Its a good time to reflect on my New Years Resolutions: Being Positive: umm B (if you ask Husband he will say C) Going to the Gym more often than not: total D Be a better blogger: you guys know the answer to this. C (if I’m being generous) Find my dream…

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My Dream Come True…

Wood floors. Finally. I find myself staring at them, lovingly, for hours.  My new favorite activity is to swiffer them and mop them.  You guys.  E-freakin-lation. Everyone warned me about getting dark wood floors. “You’ll see EVERYTHING!” See, what most people don’t understand is that I want to see everything.  Cuz when I swiffer and…

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Flooring Update!

Just a little update Aka no pictures Wood floors are in! yay! Tile in the baby bathroom is in! Yay! Carpet is going in today. Hopefully its done by the time I get home. I’ll share pics Monday for sheez. I rearranged a ton of stuff so the whole first floor looks completely different! I…

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Day 1: Demo "The Aftermath"

This is what I came home to today:   No floor, hammers. glue, etc.  But I was MORE than ok with this because the demo peeps did this all in about 2.5 hours.  Also they needed to level the floor so Husband took me out for margaritas.  (we couldn’t be on the floors when they…

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Day 1: Demo

Today is the day peeps. Floors on the first floor are being torn up. You should see our house. Dis-aster. Did I mention my inlaws will be here Wednesday? We are masochists. Obvs. Spent most of yesterday taking the books off the shelves. (yes. The ones I just organized a mere 2 weeks ago. FAIL) Taking…

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Help Me Pwease!

I convinced Husband to empty his pockets for floors. Any of you who have met Husband knows that he dosen’t spend ANY money on ANYTHING. EVER. Don’t ask me how  I did it.  I don’t exactly know.  Anyhoo. I can usually make a decision about design shiz with the speed of a desperate frat boy.…

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Bloggers Block is a Beeyoch

The story I’m about to tell you belongs on the Maury Povich show. Or 60 minutes where they do the “I survived” stories. Actually, a combination of the 2 shows. It has all the elements: knocked up mother, unknown father, desperation, near death experience, rescue, reuniting of mother and son. This wouldn’t actually make it…

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My Name is Cupid Valentino…

In my book, Outkast is the bizzle. This will be the second year in a row that I’ve used a line from an Outkast song for the title of my Valentines post. What do you think that says about me? That I’m a badass gangsta? Yeah thats what I was thinking too. So I’m actually…

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Bookcases and whatnot…

Ok so Resolutions are going… ok. Positive Attitude: B+Blogging at least 3 times per week: D (obvs)Going to the Gym more often than not: No comment (I may or may not have guzzled a pint of waffle cone ice cream for dinner last night. In my defense, Husband is coming home on Friday and I…

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What my Trip to Omaha Taught Me…

Yes I’m back. See how well I’m doing with my resolutions? Terrible. I know. So my trip to Omaha taught me a few things. I thought I’d share a few. Please take this time to click next on your google reader.  Its ok. I’ll wait. Here we go. #1: Thigh high wool socks are a…

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