Creep Around My House: Girly Guest Room

AKA Roommate #2s former bedroom. (sad panda) And, yes, it was girly when he was living here. He’s a good sport. So, now that I’m 100% roommate-less, I can show you our guest rooms.  (Roommate #1s former bedroom is on the list for paint and rearranging) view from the door This bed is so scrumtrulescent…

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New Year, New Look

eh? eh?! Wacha think? Classy no? Anyhoo, thought I’d spruce up the ol’ blog for your reading pleasure. So in honor of the New Year (and the new look) I thought I’d share a few of my 2011 resolutions. FYI I’m mostly sharing these because if I put them out in blogland my odds of…

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I'm Back Baby!

Yes. I phoned it in the last couple of weeks. In my defense:both roomies moved out (sad panda)Husband and I went on a cruise (woop)We had Christmas alone.Then Christmas with my mom and siblings hereNow Husband is getting ready to go back to Africa (boo) so I have a moment to write a little blog…

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Christmas Loot 2.0

Well I felt a little selfish doing a post about stuff I would want yesterday. So I’m doing one for the boys today. Geeky, nerdy, enginerd type boys but thats who I live with and thats all I know. The End. #1 Whiskey Stones These are from (aka where I go to buy ANYTHING…

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Christmas Loot

Howdy peeps! Sorry for the huge delay in posting. Christmas makes me bussssay. Husband and I are leaving for a cruise on Saturday and are trying to get everything under the sun done before we head out. Including 100 christmas cards. Yeah I’m bonkers. I’m aware. (P.S. I’ll be auto posting Christmas posts while on…

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Pottery Barn Can Suck It.

There are very few things that tick me off more than when I don’t get my Pottery Barn catalog. I drove my happy ass back from Thanksgiving in Dallas and the one and only thing I wanted was to snuggle my dogs and rip pages out of a pottery barn catalog. That’s all I wanted.…

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Cute Wreath or Funeral Decor?

I really need you guys to decide.  I did this project last week. I haven’t posted it until now because I think that this wreath looks exceedingly amateur compared to say this one (which is where I stole borrowed this idea) I think I bought too large of a wreath form….. maybe.  Well lets just…

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Glitter This.

Yep. I’m glittering something for Thanksgiving. I know you’re shocked.  Corn cobs! No “Cornhusker” jokes. mmmmkay?! I stole this idea from Martha Stewart (who else) here’s the link  Supplies: Martha Stewart Glitter (Florentine Gold) 2 bags of wildly overpriced ornamental corn. (don’t worry, Husband, I made up for it by using a 40% off Michaels…

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Confessions of an Oilfield Wife Entry # 409,598

Why do rigs call out around the holidays? Do they want oilfield wives to hunt them down and make them pay? Hmmmm??? This will only be mildly “2 year old tantrum”. Cuz my Thanksgiving is going to be a nice cool breeze. Basically I’m cooking the turkey and all the stray oilfield boys will bring…

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Finally Halloween Deets

Here are our party pics. well some of them. this is pretty much just the set up. Table set up  Close up of the Halloween Tree So I made this tree out of left over branches that I had for Christmas (from the garage, where else), cheap black glitter ornaments from Hobby Lobby, and Skull…

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