Buffet Revisited…

Boys and Girls you are such a lucky bunch. This is only post #1 for today.  Yep. its a twofer. First thanks bunches for your feedback on this buffet business. I got an overwhelming “Noooo don’t paint the pretty wood! your bonkerpants if you do!” response. So. I’ve decided to forego painting the buffet at…

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Buffet Beeches!

Ok peeps. Still no Halloween pics. Husband was too busy to get me a card reader yesterday. Right before I threw a Texas sized 4 year old tantrum, Husband made up for it. Wanna know how? Yep. That’s right. He bought me a kick ass buffet for the dining room. I cheered and woo hoo’d…

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Ode to Omaha

Ok. So this isn’t about our Halloween party. Obvs. So my card reader hates me (probably because I always put it in the junk drawer) and decided to die and that’s why it’s Nov 3rd and there are still no pictures up of Halloween. Husband is buying me a new one today. Regularly scheduled posting…

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Its almost Halloween Eve!!!!!

I’m just now getting to posting about my Halloween decorations….. I know I can hardly believe it myself.  But, in my defense, Husband is home so I’ve been less that diligent with the whole blogging thing. We’re having a small get together on Saturday and I’ll post the set up for that Monday. But…

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Punkin Patch

So Husband FINALLY came home yesterday. He really wanted to go to the pumpkin patch and the only day available was the day he arrived. So 6 of our closest peeps joined us at Dewberry Farm west of Houston. Disclaimer: nothing will compare to Vala’s Pumpkin Patch just outside of Omaha. Nothing. So even though…

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Confessions of an Oilfield Wife. Volume 2.

This is going to be a random post with no pictures. So if you are a “I don’t actually read blogs I just skim the pictures” kind of person, go ahead and click next on your google reader. So. Its Friday. I’m tired and lazy so I decided to give you a little top 5…

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Halloween is Here, Witches!

Well almost. Its close enough for me to freak the freak out of my house.  Halloween is like the prelude to Christmas for me.  Thanksgiving is just a big supper between Halloween and Christmas.  So I started decorating yesterday.  Here is the first project I did  Supplies: Cans of spray paint from the garage Bag…

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Creep Around My House: The Boys Bathroom (Part Deux)

So I know you all were waiting on the edge of your seats to see the final transformation of “The Boys Bathroom” To see the before/progress shots click here Walla! I know. Its way better than “Pink Explosion” Much more appropriate for boys. The shower curtain, towels, soap dispenser, and tooth brush holder are all…

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Creep Around My House: The Boys Bathroom

While I was writing this I was perusing Facebook for before pics…. Holy hell I haven’t updated any of the pics of our house since, like, forever. So I’m starting a little series so you can all be creepers and see what our house looks like. First up: the boys bathroom. So, one Tuesday night…

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Decorating for Fall

Probably the least clever title ever. Anyhoo, there are 2 linky parties going on in the interwebs: a Fall Mantel Party at Nesting Place and a Fall Open House at Hooked on Houses Because I kinda phoned in this post, you can go to either one of those links and find bunches of fun ideas…

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