Chicken Salad That Will Make You Slap Your Mama

I am not a cook. As a matter of fact, I have only learned anything about cooking because I got married 4 years ago. And Husbands need to eat apparently. The way I cook is very lazy. Kind of like I clean.  If its not easy I’m not doing it.  Enter the easiest chicken salad…

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A Domestic Hawt Mess

What you are about to see is embarrassing.   Yeah… Go ahead and judge my domestic abilities. Lord knows I do. I had to do something! I couldn’t let Husband live like this! (please know this is dripping with delicious sarcasm. like he EVER goes under the sink for ANYTHING) Excuse me why I laugh…

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My own personal hell

I detest working out Exercise of any kind really. Except Hockey, which isn’t super easy to play down here in the sauna south. Husband was a personal trainer in college. He thinks that gives him permission, nay, the right, to holler at me like a drill sergeant and MAKE me work out. I hate it.…

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Airline Shopping

Yes. Airline. Not Online. Skymall has always fascinated me. As I flip through the pages while waiting impatiently for my ginger ale, there are products I see that literally make me say “who the eff would want/need/waste money on that? And then, without fail, on the next page I. MUST. HAVE. THAT. It’s a conundrum…

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Boots are My Best Friend

So the season premiere of Project Runway was on last night. I watched most of it. (Jersey Shore came on at 9…) While watching Project Runway, I was reading 2 of my favorite blogs: …Love Maegan and What I Wore. Without these two blogs I’d have no earthly idea what to wear.  or buy. So……

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Laundry is the Devil

If I could pick the absolute worst chore on God’s green earth it would be laundry. That’s why when Husband is home I make his life hell unless he does all of the laundry. Do you have any idea how many “hand wash” shirts I’ve sacrificed just so I don’t have to do the laundry?…

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Latest Painting Adventure……

So I decided my mom needed a little color in her life. I thought painting her living room would be a good Mothers day gift and if I got my siblings to help it would be ohhh sooo wonderful and thoughtful “daughter of the year award” thank you very much….. You know how everything is…

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Confessions of an Oil Wife

This is going to be all “waaaa I’m bored/alone/talk to my dogs because no one is home” so don’t say I didn’t warn you…. So. For those of you that don’t know, the oil field sux. I think most of my facebook statuses (stati?) involve me saying “suck it oil field, kthxbi” However, Husband loves…

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Nerd Alert

What I am about to reveal is embarrassing. Back story: I get about a bazillion magazines in the mail. I love them. I save the ones that have pictures that I want to steal use for inspiration. Enter Husband. Husband hates clutter and apparently my mags are considered clutter. How dare he. So, I had…

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