Insta Friday

Sorry I’ve been MIA. My babiest brother (who is now taller than me) and Dad came to visit. Lil Bro had a blast exploring this city. That’s pretty much the theme of this Insta Friday post.   We went to a Yankees game. It was weird. Highlights include: 4 teenage girls got in a screaming…

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Insta Friday: Daily Show Edition

By some random stroke of luck, Hubs and I were able to score tickets to the Daily Show with John Stewart. Checked that off the NYC bucket list! This is the outside of the studio, which is in the oddest place if you ask me.  Randomly in the far west edge of Hells Kitchen is…

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Purple Rain

Gotta love Prince (to continue with my theme of 90s songs about rain). As you may have guessed, it’s still raining. It’s forcing me to get creative with my boots. Challenge accepted. The Deets: Button Down: Banana Republic, Thrifted Shorts: H&M Boots: Hunter via Gilt Earrings: Village Scandal Necklace: Scout I love these shorts but…

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Menswear Wednesday

Now that Hubs has been home for 2 weeks, he’s back to work at his new job. He’s working from home, which is nice, but we still try and get out of the apartment for a bit each day. Our morning convo goes something like this: H: Wanna go to Coffee Bean (aka the coffee…

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Blame it on the Rain

Ahh Milli Vanilli. I instantly have that song in my head the second it rains. Which we’ve been getting a lot of lately. Which means I get to wear my rain boots. Which makes me happy. But you wouldn’t know from these pics. I look like Grupersaurus Rex over here… The Deets: Top: H&M, Husbands Shorts: Hand…

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Insta Friday

This week was bonkers. My BIL and his buddy came to visit for 2 days. We smooshed as much NY as we could into 48 hours. I forgot how tiring it is to be a tourist in this city! So without further ado, what I did this week according to my phone pics. Hubs and…

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Brooklyn Flea

Now that Hubs is home for good (hooray), we are spending a lot of time doing ‘New York’ things. Things we know we’ll miss when we leave. Brooklyn Flea is one of our favorite NY things. Generally, I go for the food and to drool at the furniture. Now that I know we are going…

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My 4th of July

My 4th started out kinda crappy. First, Hubs called and was like “j/k I won’t make it home today.” Bugger. It was a small chance but I, of course, got my hopes up. Second, our hot water went out in my building. Cut to me washing my hair under the sink (with freezing cold water)…

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Happy 4th!

Source: via Rachel on Pinterest If this doesn’t say America I don’t know what does. Enjoy your 4th and have some fun!

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Well Hello There

Um So I took a week off I guess. Sorry bout that. Wanna know what sucks the life out of you? Planning stuff with your husband from 348,450 miles away. There is only so much  you can accomplish on Google Chat. Anyway. Here is what Hubs wore to the Highline (like 4 weeks ago…)  …

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