Under No Circumstances Eat Egg-White Omletes

Today is supposed to be Menswear Wednesday: Highline edition. But you guys, I can’t do it today. Nora Ephron died. I know a lot of people think I’m ridiculous for being devastated about this. If you don’t know who she is, google her immediately. (The title is a quote of hers) Obviously, I’m a fan…

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Views of the Highline

I promised you pics of the Highline and that’s what you’re gonna get today. The Highline is a  long, skinny elevated park built on an old railway line. Its a unique little park and I happen to love that they have a little outdoor coffee stand right at the 14th street entrance. That’s my kinda …

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The Highline

Before Hubs left for his last hitch (!) we spent an afternoon in Highline Park. I took approxamately 395,398 pictures. Because it’s monday, and we’re all sleepy, I’ll post outfit pics today and the rest of the Highline pics tomorrow.     The Deets: Grandpa Sweater: Agacai Tank: H&M Jeans: 7 for all Mankind Wedges:…

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Menswear Wednesday

This pic is from Husbands previous hitch.  (also known as second to last hitch EVER) He took these in Edinburgh Scotland. After his current hitch is over he has to go to Aberdeen to drop off all his oilfield gear at the office.  Then he’s taking a day trip to Glasgow. We’ve been to Glasgow…

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Pass the Coffee

My beloved Scooters cup filled with Dunkin Doughnuts Coffee You guys. I’m gonna suck at having a baby (SOMEDAY) I got zero sleep last night and this morning I am one crabby ass. I have a pretty wretched case of TMJ and its rearing its ugly head. My jaw will not stop locking.  Which causes…

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50s Housewife

I’ve given you sneak peeks of this outfit. Since I know you all want to see it again desperately, this is the full outfit post. I have been on a 50s rockabilly/shirt dress craze lately. I found this one on Etsy for a decent price so I added it to my ‘favorites’ and moved on.…

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Insta Friday

It’s Friday, Friday gotta get down on Friday… That annoying song is in my head and now it’s in yours too. I can’t go it alone, I had to take you down with me. Time for some Insta goodness for your Friday(Friday). You can follow/friend/stalk me on Instagram: marriagebydesign (pretty easy to remember) Hubs took…

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Menswear Wednesday

In honor of Hubs last hitch EVER (!!) we decided to do a little date in central park. The plan was to go to the boat basin cafe, have a little lunch and then go in the row boats. Well, apparently, The Boat Basin Cafe books up a day or 2 in advance. So hot…

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It's All About the 80's

EBEW has the theme of neon this month. This highlighter yellow tank is the only neon thing I own. And, because Husband is gone and I am a big fat chicken, I took my pics inside.  I swear my tank top is bright, burn your eyes, yellow. You’ll just have to trust me.   The…

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More Mint

Husband left for his last hitch EVA on Saturday!  I’m already bored with talking to my dogs. Its gonna be a LONG 4 weeks. In other news; I looked over our lease and found out that we don’t have to be out until Dec 1! 30 more glorious days in this city that we originally…

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